i used to believe

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I used to believe that my nightlight stopped ghosts from haunting me, because ghosts only come out in the dark, and that sleeping with my blanket pulled up over my neck (even in summer) would prevent vampire bites. Which makes perfect sense, considering the well-known vampire aversion to gingham.

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I used to think I was a vampire, and that my parents were trying to kill me by making me go to school.

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when I was young I used to belive that if you didn't die by the time you were 300 you would turn into a vampire. And i used to get really worried and hoped that i would die before then.

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I used to think that if I was visible in bed, vampires would find me and drain all my blood. Therefore, I learnt to sleep without moving, straight as a plank, completely covered except for a a tiny opening to let in air. In the morning I would then arrange the bed so it looked as similar as possible to how it looked with me in it.

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I had a strange fear that if I closed my eyes in the bathtub, William Shakespeare would come up through the drain and kill me. I knew his name, but I had no idea who he was, so I just naturally assumed he was some sort of bathtub vampire.

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When I was about six I was in a wedding. The other flower girl said she was from Pennsylvania, which scared me because I thought she was a Vampire. I kept trying to get a good look at her teeth to see if they really were long. I tried to be polite about it all, because I knew it wasn't her fault she was born a vampire!

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i used to think if i let any part of my body hang off the end of the bed, a vampire would order his alligators (which lived dormant under the bed) to eat em!

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I used to believe that the people who take your blood at the doctor's office were vampires.

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When I was a little girl I had a reaccuring nightmare of a vampire who bit you and gave you cat-scratch fever, so for the longest time I believed that the only way I was safe to go asleep was if there was a blanket over my neck. The rest of my body it was okay to not cover but my neck just HAD to be covered. As if that was the only place where a vampire could bite me.

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For the longest time, my little sister believed she was a vampire. Why? Because she can't balance a spoon on her nose. And everyone knows that only vampires can't balance spoons on their noses...

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I used to believe that every one of my family members was a vampire, and that I was one too. I used to tie my hands and legs at night with blankets to make sure that I wouldn't sleepwalk away from my bed and drain someone's blood.

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I used to believe that if you pulled the covers up tight around your neck that vampires wouldn't be able to bite you. I believed this because I thought they would think you were just a head with no body.

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I did not believe that vampires couldn't get you if you pulled the covers up to your neck. Whether it was covered or not was immaterial. The real trick was to make sure you slept on your side. While some might argue that this would only better expose your neck to them, I firmly believed that if presented with the side of my neck, the vampires would become utterly confused and leave.

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When I was a kid I used to believe that there was a vampire that lived under my bed and I was absolutely convinced that there really was.
So I have this dog and he ALWAYS sleeps in a beanbag next to my bed but one night I guess he decided to sleep under my bed.
Now picture this: 6 year old girl just having fallen asleep at midnight beacuse of the "vampire" under her bed. She is woken up by an at first low, but then louder growling sound while something moves out from underneath her bed.

My throat is still hoarse

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When I was younger I was at a friends house for a sleepover party. Another one of the guests, also my friend was really pale. When we all layed down to sleep my sleeping bag was beside hers. I became convinced that she was a vampire because she was pale and just layed there and didnt go to sleep. EventuallyI had to change places with someone else. We're still friends and I know now she is human.

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For as long as I've been alive my Mother has worked the night shift at Quest Diagnostics. She's a lab tech and runs blood samples from 9pm to 6am. All I knew about her job was that she worked at night and handled a lot of blood.

My Mother also has a slight allergy to vitamin D and because the sun's rays give off a great deal of vitamin D, she breaks out whenever she's in the sun too long. Effectively, she's "allergic" to the sun.

In 4th grade, I started to put these pieces together...allergic to the sun? Works at night? Handles blood samples? Obviously, my Mother was a vampire. I scared the poop out of some of my friends who were over at my house on a weekend telling them this about my Mom.

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On a dangerous rural road in Texas there are lots of crosses that people leave for their loved ones who have died on the road. I thought they were to ward off vampires.

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I have two older sisters and on family vacations, we usually shared one room. Because my oldest sister likes the bed by the window, she used to tell me that I shouldn't sleep in that bed because vampires can come in through the window and would obviously go to that bed first. I started crying wondering what she would do if a vampire came in and she told me that vampires only like girls with blonde hair (i have blonde hair, she doesn't). To this day, i don't sleep in the bed by the window.

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Ok, this is kind of long....
When I was a kid, we had a backyard that we shared with the kids next door that was literally about a hundred acres-it branched off into woods. Being kids, me and my best friend next door and his siblings believed a lot of weird stuff. And somehow (don't ask how) we absolutely convinced ourselves that there were three different types of vampires living in the woods. There was one type of good vampire and two bad ones (one worse than the other) and we were absolutely convinced of this for years. Nothing would dissuade us from that belief, and this was way before Twilight! I remember our parents trying to convince us it wasn't true and us absolutely insisting it was and that we had proof (our proof amounted to a bunch of weird stones we were convinced were old molded bones left from vampire victims.)
The belief eventually died its' death the night my friend and I decided to creep out and "deal with" the evil vampires. We crept outside with our "stakes" (actually long sticks) and basically snuck into the woods. I don't know how long passed until we saw something moving but at some point we heard a rustle behind us, turned and dived at something that definitely was not an animal. Our combined weight was enough to knock the guy to the ground.
Oh, but imagine our horror, when the figure we had knocked over turned out not to be a malicious vampire but my best friend's very angry father, who had come out into the woods looking for us. It turned out us disappearing to fight vampires had actually had the police out looking for us.
From that day on, if you even whispered the word vampire around our parents your name was mud. The belief died a swift and painless death.
The worst part was the fact that my friend and I were not 8 or 9 when this belief faded away. We were almost 15.:)

Vampire Fighters (we still laugh about it):)
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When I was younger, about 3 or so, I watched a scary vampire movie with my father. It was Thanksgiving so in the kitchen my mom was preparing a turkey and when I was done I figured I'd check up on her. I pulled a chair up to the sink looked at the turkey and said, "Is he dead yet?" My mom answered with a simple, "Yes honey, he's dead." Well since I had just gotten done watching the movie I was a bit worried and told mamma "He's gonna get up and get us now." Whenever mom feels like embarrassing me she tells the story about how I thought the turky was a vampire.

Amanda K.
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