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I love Harry Potter I AM ABSOLUTELY OBSESSED, so I really wanted a Hogwarts letter that I was almost driven to INSANITY!!! I REAAAALLLYYYY wanted Harry Potter to be real. I still love Harry Potter.
I WANTED to be a witch. So, think of it like good spells, not bad if you are scared!!!

Gennie ;)
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When I was five years old I thought my grandma was a witch

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When I was in High School my mom had a friend who was a Wiccan.I didn't understand much about it but I thought it was all about power and so I snuck over to the lady's house from what I saw on TV and movies Wiccans were always teaching teenagers. What I got was a long boring lecture on Ethics and she said I was too young to teach.Boy was I disappointed!Then I thought how dumb I was to think my mom would be friends with an evil witch.

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I thought my mother was a witch until I was well into my teens. She just seemed so magical in the way she moved, and always knew exactly what to say. As a child, I always thought that when I came of age, she would tell me I was a witch too, and would train me in the ways of magic. I really liked Halloweentown.

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Until I was 8 I used to think that women who wore eye liner were witches.

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After watching Matilda, I was convinced I would have magical powers if I harnessed them long enough. When I was 8, I spent my one entire lunch period of 45 minutes staring at a leaf.

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When I was little we kept our bikes in the garage in front of the car, along with the lawn mower and gas cans. As a result, the garage smelled like gas, and I convinced myself that if I breathed in the air in the garage, the witch that lived there would enter my body and possess it. Needless to say, I became very practiced at drawing a huge breath of air, racing into the garage, grabbing my bike, and dashing out the door, all before breathing in again.

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When I was little, I believed that radio towers were where witches lived. The bigger the tower, the more powerful the witch. If a witch caught you on or near her (because only women were witches), she would kill you, make you into pancakes, and eat you with lots of butter and syrup.

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When I was little, my brother told me that if I wouldn't go to sleep, the witches would get me. To this day I still can't sleep without the covers on me no matter how hot it is because of the witches. Thanks, bro.

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the summer that I turned 11 I waited out side on the step all summer for my hogwarts letter... ;D

Ginny weasley... not really
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I Once Believed That My Sister Was A Witch And I Was A Warlock!
She Told Me That When We Were Born There Was Witchcraft in Our Nighborhood.
Now I Know She Was Kidding Me!

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when i was younger my aunts nose job went wrong so her nose came out long and pointy. For a long time i thought that she was a witch.

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When I was little, I thought there was a second me inside the mirror that was a witch and if I stared at myself long enough I would have magic powers.

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I used to think when i went to bed at night a witch would come and cut my ears off if i didnt cover them when i went to bed

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when i younger, i always thought that when i had a headache it was just Voldemort getting closer to me... (i read Harry Potter)

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When I was little, there were always commercials for the Blair Witch Project on TV. I would make my dad get rid of the witches before I went to sleep. However, looking under the bed wasn't enough. I made him spray 'Witch Replant' all over my room. It was actually Lysol spray that he took a sharpie to.

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i used to believe i would get my letter to hogwarts when i turned 11

katie Phillips
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Ever since I can remember, my family would visit my aunt and uncle for the holidays. Whenever we got there, I would play with all of the cousins in a big group. Every time that we went outside, my cousins would tell me that I couldn't go too far out in the woods because a witch lived just past the line of sight. It took many years of staying inside the house to finally figure out that it was a lie.

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When I was about seven, I convinced my little sister that I was actually Hermione Granger from Harry Potter and that every night I flew to Hogwarts with Ron and Harry. She believed me until she was about twelve.

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I used to believe that an evil witch would get me when I was trying to sleep at night. I would always tell my mom that I was scared. The witch in the Snow White movie was really scary to me at the time. Being in the dark creeped me out, because I thought a witch could fly in through the window and attack me.

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