i used to believe

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I used to believe that my life was interesting enough to be a TV show and that they recorded me 24/7

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I would always put books, magazines, VHSes and DVDs front cover-down because I believed the characters on the front cover would watch what I was doing and judge me.

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When I was a child I used to believe that all adults (as well as any child who wasn't my friend) were actors and were secretly spying on my life (kind of like the Truman Show). I thought that this "spying" was how certain adults such as teachers knew personal details such as my full name and home address.

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When I was little I never understood how people could 'get lost' bushwalking or in the Outback. My mother always seemed to know what I was doing, so I thought we lived in some kind of Big Brother state where the authorities were watching everyone, even in remote locations. Whenever the news announced a bushwalker missing, I just wondered why they didn't check all of their footage.

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Growing up, my brother and I believed the people in the TV could see us just like we could see them, so we always hid somewhere if we didn't want to be seen, like if we were just in our underwear

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I used to believe that I was being watched on TV somewhere, I guess like a reality show or something, and would start acting on my best behavior and sometimes talk to the people watching .. And this was in early 90s before reality tv shows ;)

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I used to believe my life was like the Truman show. One time a guy in kabuki cab got off his bike. pointed at me and said to the guy in the cab (like a bike with 2 person seat in the back) You see that guy there? When he dies everything you see here will be gone! The old guy in the cab laughed. Another one : I was in a liquor store. The manager picked up the microphone and said. "everyone in the store, I would like to say hi to Michael. They said "Hi" Michael. I put my head down. paid for the beer and left. Many store keepers know my name. Not meeting them before. What I think: They grow us in bubbles, so they can be filled with paid actors that can and do exist in other bubbles. When two believers meet, we can hear each other's instructions given to us. We are not alone. They just have a strange way of growing humans now. To MAXIMIZE PROFIT AND GROWTH.
How do they get paid anyway? With ways. The Grand "way" trading machine.
Vancouver and Victoria BC Canada is teaming with these paid actor types. filled to the brim.

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i used to believe the people on TV could see you

Rebecca JJ
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When I was 6 I thought that I am a TV character and that the episodes start when I woke up in the morning,so every morning I would dance and sing thinking that this is the intro.

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When my sister and I were little, we used to think that our lives were being filmed as movies. We thought they stopped the movie at night when we were sleeping and then continued it in the morning.

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when i was young we lived in an apartment that had a hole in the wall above the shower. Someone had hung something there at one point. It terrified me and i thought there was a person behind it who watched me shower. My dad eventually ran a deoderant stick over it to cover. Every once in a while i would add to. There was an odd orange stain there until the day we moved.

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I used to believe that the world is a snow globe for giants and they would sit and watch us move around for their entertainment.

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I used to turn the TV off when I left the room so I didn't miss anything.

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Whenever I went to sporting events as a kid, I would get so confused by the different sections that the arena had. I thought that the players played individually for each different section, and I never understood that we were all watching the same game.

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I used to believe that my life was a big story that a babysitting was reading to a child every night. The book had chapters according to the number of years I was old. I thought that everynight when I went to bed the child went to bed too and the book was closed.

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When I was little I believed that the people in pictures were watching me. I wouldnt change in front of photographs for the longest time.

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I believed growing up that I was the star of a television show. Cameras constantly following and capturing every moment of my life for all to see. People only existed when interacting with me or being in the vicinity of my being. So I would also wonder what happens to these "characters" once I am gone. Do they disappear? Safe to say that bathroom moments were pretty embarrassing.

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I used to believe hat the news readers could see into my living room so i sed to undress behind the couch.

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when i was a kid we had a nintendo 64. i was sure that somewhere out there two guys were sitting in a room full of TV monitors watching all the nintendos in the world and laughing at how bad i was at super mario.

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I used to believe everyone in this world would watch me, all the time. I was the only one being watched but their could be a few others out there. I believe that my thoughts could also be heard via television and radio, so whenever live media was on I would enter an insane mode where I communicated with them to the point they made me laugh in a personal way, sometimes today I cant sit through the news without smiling my head off, although I know it's all bullshit. I believed this shit for like... 1 year, from 17 to 18, a year of constant belief caused me to break down and nearly go insane. These psychotic thoughts nearly drove me to my end, I wisend up, please believers, stop believing. Also, if your paranoid a little, don't smoke weed. It didn't help matter much, also dont hang around with psychotic people. To this day I am still battling these thoughts, after all... how will we ever know? All I do know is that believing purely all day long for a long period of time will send you nuts, don't do it. Peace... let me restate PEACE.

ex paranoia head
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