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i used to believe that tv ratings worked with how many tv were tuned on to that specific show. so when the cancelation of the rosie o'donnell cartoon show came around i turned on all five of our tv sets and called my neighbor to do the same. sadly we didn't save the cartoon, but i did get yelled by mom.

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I loved the Carebears up until i watch one movie. All I remember was the bad guy was using the nightmares of children to steal the world's love or something equally cartoonish. But I remember that in the scary part of the movie everything turned black and white as the villian stole all the love. I got FREAKED! I thought it was really happening because the tv color was gone! I cried until my mom turned the station to show me that only that channel was black and white but it was too late. No more Carebears for me.

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I used to believe that cartoons were little kid actors. And so of course, I wanted to be a cartoon. I thought the costumes were so cool!

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When I was a child, while watching a Disney cartoon with little talking squirrels (or chipmunks, or whatever) for characters, I remember once asking my mother how they got the actors into such tiny little costumes.

Stefano F.
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I used to think that cartoon characters were real "people," and I used to tell everyone that I was going to marry Mighty Mouse. My dad liked to tease me and insist that Pearl Pureheart was going to get him first.

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When I was younger, I was fastinated by how when goofy got idea, he would get a light blub.

I have memories of my trying to think of ieas infront of the mirror so I could see this lightbulb.

Kayleia Clear
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When I was about 5 years old my favourite tv show was the Flintstones. I really wanted to be able to play with Pebbles and Bambam - so much in fact my Mum found me one day unscrewing the back of the television set so I could climb in to be with them.

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Thanks to the Warner Bros cartoon "Pepe LePew", I thought skunks came from France. I got really confused when Mum told me they actually came from America-took ages to work out that cartoon characters spoke however the director wanted.

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When I was really little I thought that if I dug deep enough, I could dig to China. I also thought that the Looney Toons lived in the center of the Earth, so they would be there to meet me halfway to China!

Haley Marie
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I used to think Hannah Barbera was one woman...not two men. I didn't figure it out until I was about 15!

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I used to think that cartoon characters were people in costumes. I had a terrible time figuring out why my Hallowen costume was different from the cartoons on TV. I also remember wanting to be Ms. Piggy from Muppet Babies when I got older. (I have no idea why).

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The first time I tried spinach was because my dad told me that I would become strong like Popey. I held my nose, took a mouthful, swallowed it with great labor, then I tried to rip the toilet out of the floor. As you might have guessed, it didnt work, and I fell back and hit my head on the corner of the door. My dad felt really bad.

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When I was little I wanted to go to Disneyland as soon as I could, before Mickey Mouse died.

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When I was little, I would watch the Smurfs. I got my mum to watch with me once, and afterwards she said in shock, "They're Communists!"I didn't know what she meant, but since the word sounded fancy I remembered it. And when we started doing Communism and World War Two in History class years later, my teacher began talking about how the Russians became Communists. I put my hand up and said, "But I thought the Smurfs were American!" Nobody had any idea what I meant...

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I remember a kind of discussion in third class about "Did dinosaurs and cavemen live at the same time?"
One of the pupils said they did, and "The Flitstones" were the proof.

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I was convinced that He-Man would hold his sword aloft and shout 'I ... AM ... A FLOWER!'

It had to be explained to me that he was saying 'I have the power!' No I don't have a hearing problem.

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When I was a kid, I loved the Flintstones, and I asked my mom if we could break the glass on the TV so they could come over and play with me.

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I used to believe that at the end of the world, all of the cartoon characters and puppets would be on tv, but they would all be naked and have a big party because it was the end of the world. I have *no* idea why I thought this...

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I used to believe Jamie and the Magic Torch was real. I genuinely thought that if I shone a torch on the floor, it would open up a portal to a helter skelter which would take me to the bottom of a tree trunk, onto a trampoline into a dimension called Cuckoo Land. However, despite routinely embarking on this nightly course of under-the-bed torch action, I didn't actually make it to Cuckoo Land. Yet, I believed this was because I did not have a dog called Wordsworth, not even considering such a place did not exist. Perish the thought!

Wordsworth! Wordsworth!
Following hard behind.
Ready for adventure, always there to lend a paw
...or hand!

Hels Bells
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I used to believe Jessica Simpson was a secret character from "The Simpsons"

Lemon Jelly
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