i used to believe

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I used to believe that the game The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess was the longest game ever.

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The first time I played a game with "specular lighting" I misread it as "'spectacular lighting", and thought it made the lights look more spectacular if you turned in on (which I didn't, because the game already crashed a lot.)

Darth Pectin
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When I was sevenish, I was playing a game online and whenever I lost, it said, "Bad Luck!".
I thought that this was because the game creators were superstitious and believed that it was bad luck if someone lost at their games, like breaking a mirror or whatever.

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When We first got our xbox it had jet set radio future(game where you graffiti and skate and stuff)
anyway it came up with a warning at the start of the game saying graffiti is an act of vandalism with this big post(saying real life vandalism is a crime) But I thought that it meant that I couldn't play the game because I would be breaking the law and so I turned it off and felt terrible thinking I had done something wrong, when my Mum and brother came home they assured me it was fine.

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When I was about seven (maybe eight, maybe six but around that age) I dreamt that I was trying to play games on my favorite website in the middle of the night but found out that at nighttime, websites with games on them turn into "serious" websites and all the games become unavailable.

I also used to have this recurrent dream about finding out that I'd left a computer game abandoned and the sprites were crying.

I was curious and wondered if either of them were true, but didn't test either of them because with the first one, I didn't want to break the rules and with the second one, I didn't want to make the poor sprites sad.

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When i was a kid, i thought a monster would pop out of the DVD player if I turned it on past my bedtime

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This is going to sound weird but the game Pokemon taught me to read and learn new words as a little kid. But I never comprehended what the attack "SELFDESTRUCT" was supposed to be. It's basically "self destruct" in all caps and with no space in the middle. I remember thinking it was a powerful attack (even if it made your Pokemon faint) and deserved a powerful sounding name. I pronounced it "Self destraudaduct".

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I used to believe if you spit on the bottom of a DVD and put in the computer's DVD drive, it would create special affects on the screen

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In my early days of internet chatting, if the other person was online but not responding soon enough, I'd worry they had a heart attack or somebody kidnapped them or something. Nowadays I realize that it's more likely they're just thinking, or distracted and I feel like I'd been stupid as thunderation.

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I used to think that if you leave the Xbox console on too long, it will overheat and explode!

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When I was very small, I was convinced my father (who had no interest in video games whatsoever) had a hidden video gaming hobby, and would sit up at night playing them. I would hear suspiciously video game-like sounds coming from the television late at night, and try to imagine what kinds of strange, secret games he was playing.

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When i was a kid, i used to believe that when i played a games versus the computer, there was a man else where paid to play with me.

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I used to believe that when we turned off the PS1 the characters of the video games would hang out at a bar, and talk about how bad or good we were at the game.

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When I was little I used to think there was a real person controlling the video games as I played them. I would sometimes even talk to them and tell them to go easy on me and stuff.

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I thought there was some video games so hard that if you died on them you also died in real life!

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When my dad got the program Turbo Tax I asked my brother what it was and he said it is a video game where the government is trying to kill you for not paying your taxes and you have to escape! (I'm not sure if he actually believed this or was tricking me)

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When the game Descent first came out in 1995 my dad got the shareware version for us (I was 11 at the time) However I had never heard the word descent before so I thought it was called "The Cent" and was some game having to do with money! I was really confused when I looked for "The Cent" and couldn't find it on the hard drive anywhere!

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The first time I played a game with specular lighting I misread it as spectacular lighting and thought it made the lights look more spectacular if you turned it on

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When I got my first computer the first game I played was Wolfenstein 3d. At the beginning of the game there is a menu where you select your difficulty level from 5 options. However, the menu was rather misleadingly titled "how tough are you?" because of this I thought the setting was how tough your character is I.E the game would be EASIER the higher you set it. So I would set it to the highest setting and wonder why the game was so hard!

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I used to think that when I played a video game, the a.i. characters were actually being played by some people in a room full of screens, playing against everyone in the world.

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