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When I was around the age of three, I used to constantly play the Star Wars Super Nintendo game. When I lost, Darth Vader would pop up on the screen and breath really loud. The first time I saw him I screamed and ran to my mom, asking her who he was. She said, "That's Darth Vader. When you lose the game, he comes out of the screen and sucks your breath out." From this day on, I always shut off the system before that scene comes up...

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When I went to an arcade when I was about 2 or 3, I thought it was against the law for children to play the racing games where you have a steering wheel and pedal because they didn't have driving licenses.

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i used to think that to win the game 'minesweeper' is to find out the bomb as soon as possible,so i always win but never understand why the smiley face turned upset when i 'won'.i thought it's a stupid game.i didn't realize until i've been 'winning' the game for 3 years.

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For the longest time i thought that when you were playing video games and you versed the computer, an alarm went off, and someone out there would wake up and verse you (play against you)

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I was about six when I was given a Ronald McDonald CD rom to play with on the neighbors computer.. it had this calander bit and when I clicked on the 1st of April it told me it was going to self destruct in 10 seconds. I believed it, mostly because I knew f-all about computers and just about wet myself, I hid under the bed and started praying.. when it just did the whole "APRIL FOOLS" thing, I got sooo mad at it that I put it in time out...

still computer illitterate
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I used to belive that when you played a video game, the opponents were people hundreds of miles away playing against you and i felt sorry for them when i won, so i let them win a few times.

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One day when my mother locked the keys in the car at the supermarket, I said "Mom, just hit Re-set!" She decided I was getting a little out of touch with reality and cut down my video game time. I still sometimes wish there was a reset button in real life....

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When I was little, I had one of those little tomagochi things (the handheld game things where you feed and take care of an animated pet) and I thought that I was truly controlling a real pet in another world and that if i didnt feed it or sumthing, it would die and i would be responsible

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I used to think that video game cheat codes were illegal, and if you used them, police would take your video games away. I didn't understand why it was illegal to sell magazines full of cheat codes. I thought that the store had a special license to sell them or something.

Heather N.
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Several years ago my brother's friend bought a handheld Tetris game. For some reason he was utterly convinced that if you'd put the batteries in the wrong way around the direction of movement of the falling blocks would be reversed.

For some reason he never got the blocks to "fall" from the bottom part to the top of the screen.

Minna Pöntinen
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I used to believe that everything had a soul and feelings, including inanimate objects like my bed and Nintendo.

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Before I got into gaming, as a little kid, I never saw commercials for games rated M for mature, I only saw commercials for T and E rated games. I had no idea that the rating meant what age group it is for, I thought it meant for how many players! I misheard T for teen as T for Team, and I thought it meant you couldn't play it with one player, so you had to play with a team! Using that logic, I thought that E for everyone meant that everyone can play it, whether alone or with friends!

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I used to think that the high scores screen on arcade machines were the highest scores ever recorded in the world, not just the highest obtained on that particular machine.

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When I was sevenish, I was playing a game online and whenever I lost, it said, "Bad Luck!".
I thought that this was because the game creators were superstitious and believed that it was bad luck if someone lost at their games, like breaking a mirror or whatever.

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When I was little, I used to believe that whenever I played a video game, that there was someone else on the other side of the Earth that i was playing against

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My cousin thought the BASIC computer command GOTO was prenounced "Got-oo" rather than "Go To"

Richard Davies
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When i was a kid, i used to believe that when i played a games versus the computer, there was a man else where paid to play with me.

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After playing a game on the computer, it would count down seconds for me to start a new game or it would close. I always thought the comptuer would blow up if I didnt start a new game or close the window soon enough.

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I used to believe that if you bought an "M" (Mature 17+) video game, and you were under 17, even if you were 16 and 364 days, you would either go to jail, or be forced to watch Barney forever. I'm 12 now and I'm horrified to see other year olds play Mature's, but I do have 1 or 2 which I got unaware of the rating. I also thought some thing similar between the ages of 3-6 about "T" (Teen 13+) games, but I got my first "T" when I was 7. I was horrified at first, but now I almost exclusivly buy "T" games.

12 Year Old Gamer
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When we first got a home computer (a ZX81 back in the early 80s) I believed that if I typed the rules of the game into the PC it would 'play' the game. I proceeded to type in the rules for Monoploy, typed RUN and lo, and behold, nothing happened. I figured my mistake was not to number each line (10, 20, 30 etc...) so did the thing again....

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