i used to believe

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When I was about 10,I started believeing that the cards in Spider Solitare(the one on the computer)had feelings.I wanted toi be 'fair' to them,so I made sure the cards that appeared first got put in the deck first,and that all cards where acknowledged so that none of them felt left out.I even started apologizing to them if I made a bad choice.I even said 'Goodbye!Enjoy the fireworks!'if I won the game.

That was the same year my class didn't get to do anything fun because 3 people where acting out.Odd,isn't it?

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This is going to sound weird but the game Pokemon taught me to read and learn new words as a little kid. But I never comprehended what the attack "SELFDESTRUCT" was supposed to be. It's basically "self destruct" in all caps and with no space in the middle. I remember thinking it was a powerful attack (even if it made your Pokemon faint) and deserved a powerful sounding name. I pronounced it "Self destraudaduct".

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I use to jump when I was playing Mario games, because I thought that would make me jump higher

Guillem Cambyses
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When i was a kid, i thought a monster would pop out of the DVD player if I turned it on past my bedtime

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I used to think that when I played a video game, the a.i. characters were actually being played by some people in a room full of screens, playing against everyone in the world.

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In the video game, DuckTales, Scrooge could use his cane to pogo jump or swing it like a golf club. There was also a big brown boulder in the African Mines stage. This boulder also had a crack on one side.

When I first bought the game, I used to think that you could break this boulder by pogo-jumping on the crack.

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Back when I was three or four, I was pretty insistent that Geoff Crammond's World Circuit/F1GP had the actual car paints from 1991.

I found this out by spinning off and I clearly remember the driver getting out of the car and the car having cigarette advertising (another oddity as it w
s/is illegal). I still try to find a definitive answer (I'm 19 now )and I can't recreate it at all.

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When I was young my brother told me that the red dot was a video game charater.

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