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I used to think that if you wrote a name on a recordable VHS, it would become that movie when i put it in the VCR

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I had watched the movie signs. I thought an alien would pop out of my closet.I was nine now i am 11.

I still do!!

Brianna of pennsylavnia
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I used to think when I was around 6 or 7 that every bit of a movie was individually drawn out, and then when every single bit of the film was done and there were thousand of pictures on pieces of paper, someone would flip them through and other people would record it. After it was recorded, the voices were added.
Whenever someone came round and we watched a movie on TV, I'd drive them crazy being so specially in awe by it and pausing it every 2 minutes exclaiming with utter amazement, "ISN'T IT SO COOL? SOMEONE DREW THAT!" occasionally I return my attention to the TV and press the pause button over and over so that each frame went one after the after slowly. "And that! And that! And that!"
Well, it SEEMS kinda logical ;) I have no idea how I thought that up or how I found out it wasn't true. Imagine what I'd have been like if I hadn't figured out how movies were really made by the time Shrek came out! I'd have been pausing it on DVD every few seconds to pore over every little detail...

Crazy Elli
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After I saw Star Wars for the very first time, I thought Luke Skywalker was going to get together with Princess Leia, and was really gutted because I fancied her. I didn't even realise that they were related until three years later, and then I got jealous of Han Solo.

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Until Recentyly I used to think
The scary cab driver in Home Alone 2 said
Emich Petter and Head Kid
I felt silly asking a cab driver what that meant.
I then realize he said
"Ain't much better in here kid"

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My mom had a bunch of classic silent Laurel and Hardy movies (8mm) which the family as a whole would watch on rare family nights. There was a quote that went something like "You have smirched my character, I demand an apology". Being the dopey kid I was I turned it into, "You have smirched my apology". Repeating this wonderful quote got me lots of laughs. It was only about at the age of 34 or so that I realized why they were laughing at me!

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When I was about four or five, I believed that any animated Disney movie that I hadn't seen (or had seen, but remembered nothing of) was a scary movie. Some of the "scary" movies included Sleeping Beauty, 101 Dalmatians, and Toy Story. Some of those movies I was "scared" of I still haven't watched, just cuz I never really want to.

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I used to believe that when a movie was dubbed, the actors actually spoke all those different languages!

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when i was small, i used to think that the film 'fiddler on the roof' was a horror movie. it always sounded a bit sinister

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I was convinced that disney movie characters were real people. After watching the Little Mermaid, I would always try opening my eyes and singing underwater, and was so sad when i couldn't do it! The weird thing was that it was only disney movies, never television cartoons.

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In the 90's, when the first Austin Powers movie came out, my friends and I had just watched the "Halloween" movies for the first time...so whenever people would talk about Mike Myers, we would get really confused and think they were talking the "Halloween" movies...I remember in like 5th or 6th grade, this boy in our class did something that was kinda awkwardly funny and someone was like, "Ha ha, that's something that Mike Myers would do!" and my friends and I got really confused and were like, "No, he wouldn't! He would attack you with a knife!"...and we couldn't understand why people were giving us strange looks!!

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i used to watch those old movies halloween with micheal myers.. they would scar me so bad as a child. SInce i really didn't know his name i would say "mommy help! micheal jackson is under my bed!" (:

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I used to think that since old movies and shows were in black and white, that meant that color wasn't invented in the real world until the 60's.

I also thought the "Rush Hour" was when Rush Limbaugh was on the radio, and that this somehow created more traffic.

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As a kid I used to watch these old b&w movies and thought that world used to be black and white..

Rasydan A.R
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I used to believe that whenever someone got shot in a movie, they really died. They sacrificed their life for their art.

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Until I was about 5, i believed that whenever you watched a movie,the people (or animated characters...lol) would have to preform the movie! I think i was over a friends house when i realized i was wrong.. never said a word to her!

Vicki "Bloom"
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When I was little, I thought that all the people that was killed in films were prisoners from death row being executed while making the film.

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I used to think gunshots and dying in movies were real. I always assumed they had paid their families a lot of money as compensation. I also taught they filmed all the movies they ever did just before they died,like just acted their part because they knew they were going to die

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Ever since I saw the film 'the witches' I wouldn't sleep on the floor in my friend's house because I was too scared because I thought the witches would come and turn me into a rat.

Now a witch
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I used to believe movies were shot from beginning to end in chronological order. I still think that makes sense.

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