i used to believe

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when I was young I use to think that there were little people in the radio with big mouths talking through the radio so then each time my dad turns on the radio i always bring a weapon just in case the little men would come out!

Andrew To
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When I was little, my family had a very large, nonfunctioning old radio down in the basement. I was convinced that if we ever got it working again, it would broadcast all the music and shows from the 1930s because that was the era in which it was made and probably last worked. I held the "radio as time capsule" belief for years until I discovered that my mom's transistor radio made in the 60's easily tuned in all the greatest hits of 1983.

Reading Redhead
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My parents used to listen to National Public Radio all the time, and usually the ppl speaking would use their real names rather than radio personalities. There was this one guy, Allan Doud, who did the news in the early 90s, and my brother and I thought he was actually saying, "This is Howlin' Dude, with the news report from such-and-such." I remember the day we told our parents-my mother fell on the kitchen floor laughing and my dad peed his pants while running to the bathroom.

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I used to think a little man lived inside the radio. So I would always look into the speaker box to try to find him. I had no idea that these people were actually in a studio.

Little Radio Man
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I used to beleive that little people lived inside the speakers of a radio. I had no idea what a "studio" was until I was 11.(sad huh?)

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when i was little i acually though that the people singing were inside the radio so i would always try to look in there and try to see them singing..

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When I was a child I believed that the music and voices that came from the radio were made by itsy bitsy mice stuck inside. I eventually broke a radio to pieces just to see for myself.

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Being a nutty child, i thought the bands actually went to every single radio station to play their song. I used to get angry at the DJ's for talking over their music!

My Pop likes to channel hop the radio and the same band was playing on two stations. I asked how they could be in two places at once.
It was then revealed to me about CDs!!!

Kitunae The Klot
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when I was 5 y-o I used to belive that there was little musicians inside my 1st. transistor am/fm radio.... I try to release them out of the box and end qith no music.

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When I listened to the radio when i was little i used to think the singers had to rush to the radio station and sing there songs and then leave. i would spend a lot of time thinking about how they got there so quickly before the previous song ended and if the station played a song more than once i thought the singers must be really annoyed having to go there all the time.

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When I was a small child I used to beleive that very tiny people lived in my radio and would make music, or read the news. Of course now I realize that they don't...... or do they?

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I studied painting with a guy who grew up in an orphanage in Mexico City. He told me once that when he was a kid, he used to listen to the "Green Hornet" on this old vacuum tube type radio. He liked to look through the back into the weird little world of the vacuum tubes and was convinced that one day he would see the Green Hornet himself, riding around down there

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When I was little, I never understood how the volume on a tv or radio worked. I just assumed that when you turned the dial up or down, it made the people on tv/radio sing or talk louder.

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when i was like 6, i thought there was a little guy in the radio, and he sang every song

johnny boy
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i thought that when a band came on the radio that they had been shrunk down in order to fit into a radio & be broadcast in homes. i remember trying to take off the face of the radio to see if i could see through it to the beatles. my little fantasy was blown when my sister was on the radio when she was asked a question at a basketball game. i was suspicious that she wouldn't let herself be shrunk so i asked her when she got home... she laughed for quite a while.

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When i was younger, my step father had a very large set of speakers that were almost as big as me for his sterio system. When ever he would listen to the radio, i swore that there were little tiny people that lived in the speakers that would do all the talking, when i asked my step dad about it, he told me that it wasnt true. but all he could was laugh the day i left a sandwidge by the speaker just incase those tiny radio hosts were hungry.

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i used to believe that whatever song was playing on the radio would also be playing on mtv. I'm not sure why i believed this because no matter how fast i ran inside to catch the end of 'rico suave,' it never seemed to work in my (or gerardo's) favor.

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when i was about 5 i used to believe that there was little people in the radio and would talk to me and only me so i talked back, but they never seemed to answer my questions. And now i know why!

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i used to believe there were little people in the radio talking and singing.

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I used to believe (at about age 4) that the singers, such as kenny rogers and dolly parton, were actually inside of your radio singing.

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