i used to believe

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I used to believe that bands lined up all day at radio stations to play one song...then they would pack up and move to another station...they would do this all day everyday.

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I was a navy brat that had to move around a lot. We were in and out of the country every 6 months. I used to believe that the AM dial on my radio was for American Music and the FM was for Foreign Music

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I was always amazed when radio DJ's would say "You're listening to 93.7(or any other station)" I would be like "How do they know that?!"

Tay O'Neil
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When i was little i used to think that when a song was playing on the radio the people that sang it were actually in the radio

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when i was 4 or 5 years old i regularly used to listen programmes which came on radio, one very funny thing about the speaker inside that instrument i believed that whoever the people are speaking on the radio they are just sitting inside the speaker and i often used to abuse them loudly when they did not respond to me for what i ordered them to speak to.

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Up until I was about 8, I used to think that the bands on the radio were waiting in a line outside the radio station to get their turn to play! Finally it clicked that would be impossible and I asked my Mom-she told me how radio worked. This was the 70's-I was naive!

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I used to think that the songs coming out of the radio were sung by little trolls and that when the music was fading out it meant they were walking away down a tunnel.

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My parents used to have an old radio. I thought it could only play old songs, like from when they were young.

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When i was a kid i believed that the music you hear in the car radio was being played by tiny people who lived in the radio waiting for you to change the dial and if you interrupted a song to consecutively they would get angry and that's when the commercials would come on.

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Radios had tiny musicians and tiny news anchors inside them who would sing songs and tell us what was happening in the world.

Sharon Krinsky
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I used to believe that almost every song on the radio was directed to me.

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When I was a child (4 yo) I used to believe that little people lived inside the speaker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I believed the President was actually doing KIA commercials on my local radio station. This was in the 90's when Clinton was in, but now my nieces think Obama is doing them!

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I used to think that AM and FM stood for "American Music" and "Foreign Music."

Sylvia Fowler
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I used to believe that when they played songs on the radio, the bands actually played in the radio studio. I always wondered how they could so quickly set up for and start the next song.

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At the age of 4 I thought the bands on the radio were in our speakers, so I tore into them to get to the beatles!

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when i was young i used to beleive that there was a little man inside of the radio that sang all of the music.

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I used to think that if you began in the morning you would easilly have enough time in one day on any given radio station to play all the records that have ever been made and that this was what music stations did, they just rearranged the order ever day

Simon Barron
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When I was young I knew the songs on the radio were recordings. The singers were not in the studio at the time but I thought the commercials were done live. After all, the dj was really in the studio so why not the guys in the commercials too.

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I used to believe that songs on the radio were performed by tiny little bands in my trunk. Every single band on Earth was microscopically there, hidden in the thin carpet, and every once in a while they had a chance to perform with their supersonically loud voices.

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