i used to believe

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I used to believe (when i was 4 or 5) that there was only 1 radio station. Radio Disney

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When my mom took me somewhere, she always had the radio on. I couldn't figure out why the same song wasn't playing when we got back!

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I always think that the earth end at the big wall and no one can go on the other site of the wall.

I believe that there are tiny people under the radio who talk and sings through the radio and they live there.

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I once burnt my finger by poking it into the bottom of our old valve radio. I was trying to get at the little people who lived in there.

Scarred & disappointed
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When my mom was a kid, all she had was a radio to listen to and she used to believe that there were little people living inside of it talking and playing music... She never told me this until I was much older - coincidentally, I thought the exact same thing when I was about the same age as she was.

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that people lived in the radio!

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I was born in 1960, so when I was a small child, cars had push button radios, where pushing the buttons changed the station. I explain this for those younger generations who don't know what these are. There were small gaps around the buttons where light escaped from the internal light of the radio. I remember looking inside trying to see the musicians who were making the music I was hearing on the radio. I don't recall how old I was at the time, hopefully this is a very early memory!

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When I was little, I thought that little people lived inside radios, and they were the ones that made the music come out. Boy was I wrong. LOL.

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My grandpops tricked me into thinking a lil man lived in our stereo, and he had a pet bird. When I looked into the CD drawer, he'd whistle like a bird and make funny voices. I'd sit there for ages talking to the man in the radio.

Kitunae the Klot
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I used to believe that the DJ on the radio was the same person all the time, 24/7, and that that he'd sleep during the advert breaks. I also thought that all the songs they played were performed live by the singers!

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top belief!

I used to think that there was a man playing guitar under my moms back seat in the car. He did all of the music that we heard on the radio. He was so talented and could sound like anyone. I always felt bad because he couldn't get out and eat, so I stuffed my McDonalds french fries into the cracks of the seat.

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When I was about 3, I didn't understand the difference between listening to a tape and listening to the radio.
Sometimes, my parents would tape record me singing nursery rhymes and play it back to me.
I would often request to hear, "the little girl on the radio", but never questioned why she sounded exactly like me...

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When I was about six or seven I used to listen to the radio a lot. Then I wondered where the music came from. I used to think that there was little people singing in the radio and every time I went in the car I would turn the radio on and off and look into the speakers. I also thought why would people want to see famous people if you can see them in the speaker? It made no sense......

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When I was a young girl, I would lay down on the rug in front of the stereo speakers, and try to peek inside at the little tiny people in there playing that music. And wonder how in the world they could change the style and sound of the music so easliy, with out ever leting me see them. It would occupy my time for hours.

Darla Cone
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When I was little and obsessed with the New Kids On the Block, I used to sit in my bedroom listening to the cassettes, staring into the speakers, because I actually thought that they were in there singing to me. I couldn't understand how they were in there, but I new they were. OH GOD!

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I lived in Boston, and there was (is still) a man who did the news call Listo Fisher. He would end the news by saying "This is Listo Fisher". But I always thought he was imparting an important citation to the news... I heard him say "This is List Official", which to me meant, that was the official news, and that proved it!

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For the longest time, I believed that the songs you hear on the radio were sung by cockroaches inside...

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i used to believe that inside the radio in our kitchen were all these people that sat in chairs and waited their turn to talk or sing their songs... they sat there patiently, lined up in a hallway, waiting their turn at the microphone all day...

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top belief!

When I was little at home all day with my mum, she listened to a radio show that had traffic news at regular intervals. At the beginning and end of the traffic news segments, there was a jingle with people singing "Drive safely!".

I thought they were singing "Christ save me!"

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i would be in my dads truck, and when we were listining to the radio or stereo i thought there were people in there talking, or singing, or playing music.

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