i used to believe

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I used to think that whenever a song came on the radio, the person who sang the song was singing from a phone booth somewhere into the radio. I thought the radio stations called them up whenever they wanted to hear the song.

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I used to think little people were inside of the radio putting on a show for me.

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From the age of 5 till about 8 ,i used to believe that there were little men inside the radio.Hence the sound coming out(like a miniture studio).but then i was a strange boy !!

death bingo 666
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I remember having a very vivid vision of little pop stars in the cassette player or radio when I was younger and this went on for a long time. I eventually figured out that when the Wombles had a music video out it featured them dancing around on their own record as it was being played. So at least I didn't make it up completely.

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The truck we had when I was little had an old radio with knobs for the volume and tuning. I thought the volume knob was remotely connected to the people's noses and turning the knob twisted their noses, therefor making them yell louder.

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When i was little, i always thougth that in the car speakers, all the bands that were on the radio would pop up inside the speaker and really play music! Gosh...i was so dumb...

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when i was a kid i used to imagine that songs from the radio were all sung by a miniature david hasselhof dressed in a marathon runners costume.u no those things with the numbers on front.i serious i dont no y i thought it just always imagined it that way.

moomin papa
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When I was little, I used to think that if you listened to the radio and looked into the silver middle of a speaker, that you could see the artist performing the song.

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We watched TV a lot more often than we listened to the radio. So I thought radio had a video component that we couldn't see...when songs were playing, there was a music video. When the news was on, it was broadcast from a nice set just like the TV news. I thought that until I was 9 or 10 and actually visited a radio station.

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when i was small we listened to the rugby on the wireless (radio) with our father the all blacks in south africa i coul not understand how that many people could fit inside that small radio

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When I was a Kid I thought my Walkman was like a radio, and the music was live. So when I pressed play, Queen were in a studio ready to play.

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When I was around 6 years old my parents had an old fashioned radio, you know the ones that are the same size as a small fridge - I used to think it would only broadcast 1940's music and news!

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when i was about 3-4 i belived that the singers , dj's etc were tiny tiny people talkin to us or playing music and every so often i would talk into the speakers and say "are you ok in there?"

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When I was little I used to believe that when the radio turned on in the car, that tiny people in the stereo would start to play the music I heard.

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I used to believe that there was a bunch of little people that lived in the radio. I would always be afraid to turn it up too loud because i didn't want them to have to scream and get sore throats. If we were going on long trips I would insist that my parents turn off the radio every so often to give the people inside a break. I was about four or five when my mom finally figured out why i didn't like the music too loud.

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I used to believe that inside the radio there were lots of real tiny people, (singers, journalists, entertainers) and thats how we could hear them.

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i used to believe that when you turned the radio off, it would be at the exact same place when you turned it back on. It was kinda like the power button was a pause button. It never seemed to work though...

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top belief!

One of my first memories was riding in the car with my father, and seeing a little spider crawl into the tape deck. From that point on, i was convinced that it was the spider singing, talking and playing the music that came out of the radio. (my dad told me i was absolutely correct..boy did i feel stupid years later when i tried to tell somebody, convinced that i was right!)

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As a kid i always used to sit in the back of the car. We always had the radio on and i used to think there was little men living in the speakers and talking and we could just hear them through that. I used to imagine them all sitting there and reading from a script. I used to try and look in and see if i could see them in there but i never could : ( I never believed this for the home radio though, only the car radio.

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i used to think that people lived in the speakers of a radio. so whenever anyone was singing, i would go right up to the speaker and try to look inside. on one occassion, i though i actually saw a gospel choir inside...god knows where the hell that game from...

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