i used to believe

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I used to believe people on tv could hear me. That's why, like they never answered me, I hated all of them. And no, I'm not ashamed!

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que les gens à la télé pouvait nous entendre. Je les trouvais très mal poli, ils ne me répondaient jamais.

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I used to think that if I watched too much TV, I would forget how to read. Sometimes when I was sick and had spent the whole day in front of the TV, I would grab a book to check if my reading skills had worsened.

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When I was about 5 or 6, I was watching the Disney Channel before I went to bed. When I woke up the next morning and turned on the tv, the same show was on. this led me to believe that when you turn off the tv, it pauses and you can watch it later if you turn the tv back on. I only believed this for a few months.

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When I was little, I was scared to death of sleeping infront of a TV that was turned off. I thought that when the TV was off, a giant humanoid space ant would crawl out, and drag you back into the TV. It got so bad that I ran down the hallway screaming once and I peed on the carpet.

Strange Little Girl
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I used to think that a guy would sit in a big circular room with light switches underneath every tv channel screen. When the time came he would switch the switch for commercials. But he would sometimes make mistakes which was why some commercials were so short.

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I was about 5 years old when my grandmother was interviewed on t.v. I freaked out & thought she was trapped in the television; I was inconsolable for the rest of the night.

Tessa Stephens
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I used to believe, when I was little, that if i sat close enough to the TV (like with my face right on the tv) and I looked up, down or on the sides I'd be able to see more.

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I used to belive that if u tried to look closely into the side of the TV, you would be able to see the rest of the picture

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I used to think if you busted the TV the inside would be like a milky substance.

I also used to think people on TV didn't know they were on TV that a camera was following them around.

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When I was a kid i used to believe that loads of tiny little people lived inside my tv....and every time I turned on the tv they would hold pictures up to the screen. They would change the pictures really quickly, faster than the naked eye could see, to make stories and tv programs for me to watch.

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I was 14 when I figured out that cable tv is not a free public service and that it costs money.

Karla Wright
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I used to think that the shows on TV (even cartoons!!!!) were all happening at the same time i was watching them.

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when i was younger i used to try and hatch a plan on how i could get into the tv! i thought if i smashed a little hole in the corner of the screen i wouldnt get wrong because they would be happy i was on the telly lol...strange i know

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I used to think tv shows are 'installed' into the tv of each country.

So when I went oversea, I though I should have brought my own country's tv so that I'll be able to watch the local shows back home.

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My heros are Mike Myers, Verne Troyer and Carlos Mencia. They are my heros because I want to be a comedian when I grow up. (Duh! look at my name)
Any way some kind of way i got my nephew Justin liking them and he's 8 going on 9. I used to trick him by saying "If you touch are talk to them on the tv they'll responed back to you." He used to try to talk to the "TV People" as he would call it all the time and I was just cracking up! He just now learned the truth (Ha Ha, I'm so bad!)

Shannon the comedian
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When I was 5 years old, my friend's mom told us that if we watched to much tv, our eyes would turn square, and they would never go back to normal shape! I was so scared, and we didn't watch much tv after that...

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When I was little and watched shows like Sesame Street and Barney, I understood that the characters were really people in costumes. But I also thought that it was VERY hard to memorize lines, and so they would have the script taped up inside their costume, so they could just read it during the show instead of actually learning their lines. I also thought this about regular television shows... whenever a person on a show acts like they are reading something, they are actually reading their next line.

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When I looked at the TV Guide I thought To Be Announced was actually a show that was on for three or four hours at a time. I also thought it was a religioius show for some reason.

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I used to believe that Reuters (News Agency) was the surname of one single journalist, as I would always here “Reuters reports that or Reuters this” and I use to wonder how can he manage to visit all those places and events and write all that news and I thought he was like superhero.

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