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When I was little, I remember watching Scooby-Doo reruns and hearing the laugh track. I thought those were people actually watching the show as I was, and I would always laugh loudly and out of place for the other people to hear.

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I remember when "That 70's Show" was going into it's 10th year. I seriously thought the name would change to "That 80's Show".

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I used to believe that when a movie or programme ended on TV and the credits came up, that it was just time for parents to put their kids to bed and then go on watching!

Nicholas Orsmond
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When I heard someone anounce their telephone number on a TV show, (say Dragnet, or Perry Mason, etc.) I thought that you could call that number and converse with that character while he's on that program.

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I thought that when you pressed the hazzard button in the car, the dukes of hazzard would come and save you.

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I used to believe that shows like Little House on the Prairie and Dr. Quinn: Medicine Woman were actually filmed back in the times the shows were based in.

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I was about 5 or 6 at the time. We used to have a gabage can JUST like the one Oscar the Grouch has in our basement. I used to tell my little friends that came over not be too loud or Oscar would come out and yell at us! They would always believe me!

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This is OLD school -- I was about 4 or 5. Remember the little window garden that Ernie (from Sesame Street) used to have? In his garden lived a tiny little bug town. He would talk with them and watch them. Well, I was amazed by this, so every garden I saw I would check for the little bug friends like Ernie had. I remember being dissapointed when I wouldn't find them:(

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When i was 5 I watched 'Puzzle Place' that show with all the puppets. I really did think everytime they did the opening music, the puppet, Ben was looking right at me, i used to have a huge crush.

Even told my parents, "When i'm older, i am going to New York to Marry Ben!"
Imagine how i felt when my parents told me, he was only a puppet.

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Once while watching Little House on the Prarie, I asked my mom if Mary was Charles' daughter. She jokingly said "No, he just thinks she is." I still don't consider Mary a true "Ingalls" girl!

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I used to believe that the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle were real and that I should fear ninja's breaking into our home.

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I used to believe that 'canned' laughter (from sitcom tracks and the like) actually came from a can- that you opened a giant tuna can with speakers inside, and you could hear the audience laughing in front of their TVs. This was waaaaay past the era of sitcoms... and I believed it until about 3 years ago. ::BLUSH::

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i used to believe that the government gave everyone in the country video cameras just so that they could put people having accidents on 'you've Been Framed'.

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When i was younger, I used to believe that Doctor Who was real, and I was a timelady.
I also used to believe if i was bad the Daleks would come and exterminate me, so i was always good!

Still mad on doctor who
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I use to believe Mark Fowler from eastenders was my dad because he had the same name as my dad and my realy dad didn't live with. I thought he didn't live with me because he was too busy on the fruit and veg stool in walford!

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In England we have a tv programme called ' You've been Framed' where you can send in video clips of people having accidents and so on. I used to believe that the government gave a free video camera to everyone just so they could send clips in to You,ve Been Framed'.

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When I was younger, (up to when I was about 7 years old), I believed that the salemen/women that come to your door were asking you to become an actor. I had no idea you had to audition or anything. I was always hoping for a spot on Barney or be a voice on Arthur, and I was mad at my mom for telling the people, "We're not interested."

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Around the age of the 8 or 9 I noticed that Barbara Eden in the "I Dream of Jeannie" repeats was pretty darn sexy. I was convinced that a) this was just an accident of the production rather than intentional and b) I was the ONLY PERSON WHO NOTICED THIS. I believed that for 6 years.

David T
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I used to believe that actors would volunteer to die whenever I saw someone get shot in a scene. In fact I remember that it was a scene from TJ Hooker movie.

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When I was little, there was a show that my father watched which seemed like all the time called "Dinosaurs" about a robot/costume -like dino family who led human lives in the Stone Ages. They kinda were like the Simpsons too. Anyways there was this one episode where Senclaire, (the father dinosaur) couldn't wait to get rid of his rude, pain-in-the-ass, aging mother-in-law. In the show, it was the custom to throw the elderly into a deep, deep hole just before death. They even demonstrated this in a little clip with a poor dino being thrown into the pit, screaming at the top of their aging lungs. After viewing the clip, Sencliare and his boss laughed. Senclaire's son asked him if his grandmother should find her way out of the pit, and an eager Senclaire scoffed "Once you're in, you're in." And this on account scared me to no end. (Im clausterphobic by the way.)

Well, needless to say, I was TERRIFIED of being thrown into a deep dark pit with already rotting bodies whom had met the same ordeal before me. And i believed humans in real life did this to their poor elderly. I remember crying for my grandpa, and ultimately dreading the day I would meet my fate.

I would tell everyone I never wanted to get old. No one does, but my real reason was so I could escape being chucked into this so-called pit. At one point my greatest mission in life was to find and cover up the pit.
I remember crying to my mother, asking would they force me to attend Grandpa's "pit" ceremony when his time came. Naturally, she was very confused.

It never really did occur to me that we actually "bury" our dead. And to this day, whenever we pass a cliff or a hole, my brothers oh-so graciously remind me.

Life in the Pits
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