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when i was little i used to watch sesame street as everyone did but i was petrified of the cookie monster and big bird so much so that i would never let any doors or windows be unlocked in the whole house out of fear, needless to say it my parents got pretty annoyed with me when the tempreature was 40 degrees and i demanded all the windows to be closed.

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Airwolf: I believed there really was a guy with a dog that looked up women's skirts flying a top-secret combat copter at mach-1 to protect us from the badguys.
The Dukes of Hazzard: I believed that an orange '69 Dodge Charger with a Rebel flag and "01" on the doors could fly and that cop cars were built to fall apart easily. I also believed that a scroungy mechanic could fix anything.
The A-Team: I believed that a little insanity could actually bend the rules of reality and make imaginary friend real (hey, it worked for Murdock!).
Knight Rider: That computers could fit inside cars and make them drive themselves, that black cars can fly, and that black paint can make anything bulletproof.
You Can't Do That On Television: I believed that it wasn't uncommon for parents to put their kids back in diapers (this was a fear exploited by my parents to ensure that I behaved, so's I wouldn't be made to wear diapers again).

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I realy thought everyone on seasame street was really married and lived there. It was a place I wanted to move to and marry Bob.

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I lived in Peru, South America, until I was 4 years old. Until that time I watched North American TV shows dubbed into Spanish. I always thought it was so strange that the people on TV could talk one way and move their lips a different way. I tried doing it...never could.

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When I was little, I used to believe that Mr. Rogers was actually a monster and he would eat you if you weren't his neighbor. I always got freaked out because I didn't know where he lived.

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I used to think all the kids on the Cosby Show were Bill Cosby's actual children. My wife set me straight when I was about 35. I'm so dumb sometimes.

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I watched many years of TV series M*A*S*H* right up to the very last episode and had never heard of the Korean War. I thought the whole series was about Viet Nam War, because there were Asian people.

This is what happens when you have coaches teach high school history, and they just don't care.

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I use to believe that the cop's theme song was "if you have aids and u have bad dreams don't look at me when they slap u in the face"

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I used to watch the beginning of Romper Room just to see if Miss June could see me through her magic mirror...she never said my name though.

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My parents often watched star trek during dinner and at other times when i was present. I never knew what was going on in the episodes (too young) so I thought that you had to be an adult to know. Furthurmore i thought that the only way you *could* be an adult was to know and that my parents watched star trek only to show off their adulthood.

Now I watch a lot of star trek and I'm still not an adult :(

Proud Trekkie
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I have a very, very vague memory of the Lawrence Welk show. I don't really recall what it actually was, but I do know that part of it (the opening, maybe?) involved bubbles, and that there were people playing music - for years, I believed that this was what people were referring to with "soap opera".

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I used to think that Alex Trebek's name was 'Jeopardy Alex', because after introducing the contestants, the announcer would say "Now here's the host of our show, Jeopardy's Alex Trebek!" I thought he was saying 'Jeopardy Alex Trebek', and anyone who hosted the show had to change their first name to 'Jeopardy'.

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I believed that I could actually grow up to BE Daisy Duke.

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A lot of people have said they believed when Mister Rogers said stuff to the camera that he was talking to them personally. I didn't believe that--I thought he was talking to the cameraman!! I always liked how he was so nice to the cameraman.

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I had a bunch of misconceptions when it came to Wheel of Fortune. When I was really little, I thought Vanna White was a robot because she never talked (I guess I always missed the end segments). Once I figured out she was a real person, I thought she and Pat Sajak were married (I believed this for years). I also believed that the center of the wheel was filled with green slime like on Nickelodeon.

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When I was a kid I watched The Price is Right a lot. Every once in a while they would bring a puppy on the show to do a PSA for animal shelters, but it always occured right after they described one of the prizes. I used to think that whoever won that prize also won the puppy. I wanted to go on the show so I could win a puppy and my grandpa never bothered to straighten me out on the subject.

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I used to believe that the heart at the beginning of the I Love Lucy Show was made of real chocolate.

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I used to think the simpsons was the "Simsims"

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When I was young there were two shows that featured absolutely loads of Gunge (which is a gloopy stuff used in kids shows a lot in the 90s) well one day a friend told me that Gunge doesn't actually come off and if you get any on you you're stuck with it forever. Naturally I was horrified that tv would do something like that and everytime Noel Edmund's House Party (where he Gunged people twice a night) or that kids show where children competed to drop their embarassing family members into a big pool of Gunge came on I would flee from the room.

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I used 2 get freaked out by the teletubbies. When the ' like ' drain pipe thing came up and said " teletubbies where are u?" I either hid under my bean bag, hid next 2 the tv under the table where it couldn't c me, or in the other room and poke my head round to check it was still there, if it was i'd jump into the other room until i heard the teletubbies talkin' and knew it was safe! l.o.l

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