i used to believe

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When I was younger, I used to believe what I saw in films was real.

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I used to think Squidward was called Baldo because he was bald

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I used to think that Madame Giselle from Peppa Pig had pink blush on one cheek, and brown blush on the other. I always wondered why she used 2 different blush colours instead of just one colour. Then my mom told me that the brown part is her nose, not blush.

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I used to believe that you can ride on your bed and fly to a dream land, like in the Pajanimals.

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When I was very small there was a show called "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea" about a submarine. What I remember most about it is that people were always falling down. I had a relative who sold carpet, and I had a talk with him about the charactors falling down all the time.I assumed that he knew all about how to install really thick carpet so the characters wouldn't get hurt when they fell.The embarrassing part was that I got confused and I thought my uncle personally provided the carpet for the show, and told the whole class for Show and Tell.The teacher called me a liar and was not happy. I was just confused.I was five years old,after all.To this day, I feel embarrassed when I think about that silly show and plushy carpets and how nasty the teacher was.

Carpet of shame
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This is kind of embarrassing. My mother was a bigoted white Southerner, and when the original Star Trek came on she did not approve or let us watch it, not only because of Uhura, but because she had heard somewhere that Leonard Nimoy was from "the only tribe in Africa that has ears like that". She basically thought the ears were REAL and he was wearing " whiteface" makeup because he was black.It was absolutely idiotic and she would tell people "the truth" and embarrass me.Only after he appeared in Mission Impossible did she grudgingly admit her mistake.I think Leonard Nimoy would have been very surprised to hear that he was actually from Africa..in someone's twisted fantasy.

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I used to believe that you could jump into the TV show and interact in the cartoon world, like in Channel Chasers.

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When I was a kid we used to watch the TV series "Alias Smith and Jones". I was puzzled for years about why they only told you Smith's first name in the title.

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I used to believe that the "maury" logo was just 3 lines instead of a letter m, since the m was usually the same color as the background and I only saw the lines in the negative space.

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I used to think when Mr. Krabs said he was going to fire Spongebob, I thought he actually meant he would set Spongebob on fire!

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When puppeteer Shari Lewis died, I asked if this meant her show Lamb Chop's Play-Along would be broadcast in black and white from now on. I was assured that the stars being dead wasn't the reason old shows were in black and white.

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When i was in Year 3 of School (Age of 7-8) I used to hear the phrase 'off by heart' A lot. I now know it means learning it yourself so you can remember it instantly, but then I genuinely believed that 'By heart' was a TV show that told you everything you needed to know. It really is funny when I think about it now...

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I used to believe people in tv could hear me.

Aiden Schade
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I used to watch fishing shows with my mum and I thought the fishermen on the show were so good that they always caught fish every time they cast their lines! It wasn't until muuuch later that I realized they just cut out all the footage where they didn't catch anything.

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When I was younger, I simultaneously thought that the Addams Family was a reality show, and that if you named your kid Adam then he'd grow up to be weird like them.

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When I Was a Kid I Believed That Clouds Were Made By Sweet Cotton.

Gustavo Giacomini 8º2 Porto União Cid Gonzaga
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So I watched WWE. I used to believe that it was real. I was like " Man how do they wrestle like that. And just bounce around." I was sooo caught up in it. But then my dad said it was all fake. I was all like NOOOO! My belief (P.S. I still do think its real) ;)

WWW fan
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That all t.v. shows were perfomed live

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Once when I was little I was watching Blue's Clues, and there was a green dog on that show named Green Puppy. I didn't know what his name was, so I asked my grandpa, and he told me his name was Spike. I believed him until I was about 15 when I finally looked it up for sure. I always thought it'd be weird that the green dog would be named Spike when the blue dog was named Blue and the magenta dog was named Magenta. Oh well, lesson learned: don't listen to grandpa!

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When I was little, I believed Pokemon were real, they were just in Japan. I was also totally in love with Ash Ketchum. I planned to go to Japan through a student exchange program when I was 10, then drop out so I can go on an adventure and set out to become the Pokemon Master just like he did.

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