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Not so much a prayer as a carol, but a friend of mine has a little girl, and, as children are want to do, she has made the best sense of the lyrics of a certain Christmas Carol that she can. The song in question is 'Away in a Manger'. She's got the 'Away in a Manger' part, but then she thinks it goes on:

The Little Malteasers
Lay down on her head...

I just picture them snuggled down behind the ears, you know?

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As a thoughtful and intelligent little boy around age five or so during Christmas, I one day approached my Mother and asked, "Whose story is Rudolf in?" My Mom, perplexed, asked what in heavens did I mean. I replied logically, "The song keeps saying 'You'll go down in his story': whose story does he go down in?!"

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When I was little we grew up in the countryside,and every New Year I thought they were singing about "Old Egg Signs" instead of "Auld Lang Syne", which to me was quite odd and I was always to afraid to admit not knowing the connection between New Years and Eggs, so I never asked.Im 41 now and still sing it "old Egg Signs"

UK Child
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My mom almost wrecked the car when she heard my sister and me singing along with Helen Reddy: "Yes, I was, but I squeezed up all the paint!"

Turns out she was saying, "Yes, I'm wise, but it's wisdom born of pain." That doesn't sound like near as much fun.

J B Howard
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i thought "two pence a bag" from feed the birds from mary poppins was "toppins of ag"

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When Gabrelle had that 'Dreams' song in the charts (mid 90's) I thought on the chorus she sang 'Dreams can come true, I know baby I've got a liver'. I know some people write songs about a missed family member, I just wondered why she wrote on about her successful liver transplant.

The Game
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To this day my mom doesn't believe me when I tell her that the line in The Beach Boys song "Kokomo" is "...that Monserrat mystique" and not "that man's a rotten stinker!"

Ella Peak
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IThe kids I looked after always used to sing "corned beef" whenever Blondies "call me" came on....
My sister use to think Better the Devil you know by Kylie was Bed of the Devil you know.

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For the longest time (through college even) I thought the last lyrics of the Golden Girls was "And the cardiacs would say, 'Thank you for being a friend'".
Made sence to me, as it was a show about older women. My brother has since informed me of it being "card attached". Makes more sense now.

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When I was younger listening to my dad's copy of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, I always thought the line was, "Lucy eating pie with Simon..."

Ironic, as my dad is called Simon

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My sister and I used to sing a song "Little Liza Jane". To this day she claims it was "Little Eyes of Jade" because it was about a green eyed child.
We are now in our 70s and she is as adamant as ever, but we don't fight over it anymore.

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I used to think that the chorus of "mountain song" by jane's addiction was in a different language

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First off, thanks for correcting me about the Michael Jackson song about "keep on with the force, don't stop." I guess it's not really about a four-star hotel, then? It's a good thing I hadn't said anything about it to my husband, the huge Jackson fan.

And I thought the David Bowie line from Labyrinth was "Slap that baby, make him scream?"

I also had a friend who insisted the first line of the second verse of Queen's *We are the Chanpions* was "I've taken my vows" instead of bows. She thought it was a really religious song. I never could tell her the truth about Freddie.

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When I heard Kenny Rogers' "Lucille" I misheard "Four Hungry children, not a crop in the field". I would dance with my dad and sing "Four hundred children and a cow and an eel."

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I couldn't believe it when my brother actually sang "I'm shaving off my muff for you" instead of the real words "saving all my love for you" by Whitney Houston.

Me Me
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When I was 4 or 5, my little brother was singing Deck the Halls (with the correct words), and I promptly corrected him: "No, it's 'strike the harp and join the FOREST!'"

your mom goes to college
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My dad thought the song "I believe in Miracles" was actually "I Believe in Milkos" hahah he's 52!!!

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Remember that Madness song "Our House"? When they said "Our house, in the middle of our street" I used to believe that the house was literally in the middle of traffic. I wondered, did the house have a big opening where cars went through and then exited through the back?

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When I was younger and Breaking Benjamin was the thing, I could never quite understand that he was singing "Diary of Jane". I was so curious as to why he would be singing about a "Diarrhea chain", or what the hell a Diarrhea chain was. I didn't like the song for a while until I realized he wasn't singing about feces.

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I used to believe that the song by the monkees that says "take the last train to Clarksville" actually said "take the last Santa Claus sleigh" I didn't realize my mistake until I was well into my teens

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