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Blackadder does not ride a 'Pitch Black Steed' but in fact rides a 'Black Jetski'
I dunno, I was a child. I was probably too busy shoving lego up my nose to listen to the lyrics correctly.

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for several years as a kid, i firmly believed that these were the words to a few country songs...

She walked in Leaches, that cheyenne (Beaches of Cheyenne)

She think's I can go Kaboom (She thinks i can rope the moon)

in "Shoulda been a cowboy", I though he was wearing a sex shooter (and never sang the lyrics for fear of getting in trouble by my mom) when he really had a six-shooter (as any good cowboy would)...

My mom still makes fun of me to this day (I'm 24 and married...and yes, she's told my husband)

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I thought in the song Zombie by The Cranberries she was not saying "In your head, in your head, zombie, zombie: but rather "In your head, in your head, ze army, ze army" (i.e the army said with a German accent, and for some reason it didn't occur to me that she didn't have a German accent any other time she sang..)

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In the song, "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds", I thought the line went : ". . . the girl with colitis goes by." instead of the correct " . . .the girl with collidoscope eyes". I had heard of people having some kind of condition called colitis; but hadn't the slightest idea what it was. I held this belief until I was well into my teens.


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I thought for years that the end of a nirvana song Kurt said All we are is all we know" and I thought that was profound and quoted it often.

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There's a song by Nelly Furtado called "I'm like a bird", and I always thought until recently it was "hung like a bird", I did wonder!!!

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A collegue of mine was singing along to the song "It's the final countdown" at discoteque in Turkey. The DJ faded the music and all we heard from her was:
"There's a fire in downtown..." - Classic

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When I was little there was this song and the lyric was "solve the mystery" and I thought it was "gotta get some listerine" so I would run and get the listerine and put it on the radio.

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Up until I was over 30 years old, I believed that in the Eddie Cochrane song 'Drive In Show', he was singing 'Bet my penis to a candy bar, you'll be cuter than a movie star'. It seemed a bit overly racey for the 1950s to me, and I wasn't 100% sure that I was hearing it right. But I couldn't think what else it could be, so assumed I must be right. Until my wife pointed out that if you substitue the word 'peanuts', then it makes a whole lot more sense! ok, I suppose so...

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On Wake me up before you go go

it says
My best friend told me what you did last night

but i thinkas
My best friend told me that you were a transvestite

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I misheard the lyrics to Tina Turner's song 'I don't wanna fight no more' as 'I don't wanna fart no more'

and I also used to think that Madonna's 'papa don't preach' was called 'poppadom pete' I thought she was on about a fella who owned an Indian takaway.

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When the Go-Go's "Our Lips Are Sealed" first aired, I thought that the line was:

"...give 'em Jello-stained paper pla-a-a-ates, Alex the Seal..."

instead of the actual:
"...in the jealous games people play-ay-ay-ay...our lips are sealed"

B. Gloozer
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Literally until a couple of weeks ago (and I'm in my 30's), I thought Streetlife by Randy Crawford was titled Street Light. I've always thought the lyrics were stupid....turns out that's me.

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For as long as I could remember I thought Trisha Yearwood's "She's in love with the boy" went..."when you, yourself was just a hasty cowboy, who didn't have a motor home." It wasn't until I was married and was singing the song outloud that my wife about wet herself laughing and informed me it was "you yourself was just a hayseed plough boy who didn't have a row to hoe" Oops! I've tried many times to have her see that my way made sense too. No matter what she isn't buying what I'm selling!

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In Paul Simon's song, "Still Crazy After All These Years", I used to think the line, "And I would not be convicted by a jury of my peers" was "And I would not be caught dead wearing jewelry in my ears."

Mary Ellis
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I used to think that Robert Palmer was singing "you might as well face it, you're a dickhead in love." instead of the real lyrics which are "...you might as well face it, you're addicted to love."

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My fabulously gorgeous 4 year old sings ....
'Old McDonald had a fart,ee-i-ee-i-oh'
He also reckons theres a 'Little boy who lives down the drain''
But my 8 year old takes the biscuit....He reckons that....
'Poppadom Pete,I'm in't rubble deep,Poppadom Pete,I've been oozing sleet but I've made up my mind,I'm keeping my boobies,I'm gonna eat ma baby'
Scary huh?A mad buxom Northern Big-Crisp-Munching-Baby-Eating woman has been in some kind of construction site disaster.

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I used to believe that the song "Manic Monday" by the bangles went....
"Just another Man Named Monday"
instead of...
"Just another manic monday"

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The song Puff The Magic Dragon made me kind of cross, at their fleeting reference to their friend "Frolicton the Ottomist". I didn't know what an Ottomist was, and wished the song would go into more detail.

It took me a few years to work it out.

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I used to think one line to the All American Rejects' "Gives You Hell" was "I've never seen you fart so hard." Turns out it's actually "fall!"

Also, I thought that some Mamma Mia song had a line that said "Ooh, since the baby farted..." My friend agreed with me. After a few more times hearing it I figured out that it's actually "Since the day we parted."

I have a pretty wrong mind when it comes to lyrics... and farts...

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