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My daughter's version of "The King of Rock and Roll" by Prefab Sprout is cute. Instead of "Hot dog, jumping frog, Albuquerque," it's "Hot dog, jumping frog, I want cupcakes."

I like her version better.

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In the early 1960s, Peter, Paul & Mary's recording of "Puff the Magic Dragon" was played on the radio a lot. Yes, I am old enough to remember hearing it on the radio in my parents' car. There is a line in which Little Jackie Paper would bring to Puff : ". . . strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff". I did not know what sealing wax was; I only knew what a ceiling was. I knew plenty of people waxed their kitchen floors. But I didn't know anyone who waxed their ceiling. I still haven't met anyone who waxes their ceiling, or seen ceiling wax in any store.

Vicki J.
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When I was in Grammer school we sang a Polish folk song about how the "Vistula" ( a river in Poland) was flowing. I misunderstood and thought it was "fistula" for years.. Then someone told me a fistula was a boil you get on your rear end. Talk about embarrassed...

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When I was eight, I loved Madonna's "Papadompe Beach." Didn't get why she was in trouble, though....

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For years I thought that ABC's 'when smokey sings said 'When Smokey Sings, I hear violence', thinking that smokey drove people to fighting. My brother pointed out that it's 'I hear violins'. I reckon either makes sense though. No?

minky tent
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What about "Another one buys a Datsun." You know, instead of "Another one bites the dust.

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The second line of "just call me angel of the morning" was "just scratch my feet before you leave me, baby". I still don't know what it is, but I'm putting my money on the probability that that ain't it.

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there's a song "so happy together" that i used to hear on the radio. one line goes, "the only one for me is you, and you is me, so happy together". until i was at least 11 i thought the line was, "the only one for me is sue, and sue is me, so smack me with feathers." and i still sing this whenever it's on.

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Well I believed that the song 'Constant Craving' (by KD Lang, I think) was actually can't stand gravy!! And sang these words right up until my husband pointed the correct words out to me about 3 years ago!!

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The first Madonna song I ever heard was "Material Girl" when I was 5. I thought she was singing "Cheerio Girl". I thought she was soo cool, because I was a girl and loved Cheerio's too.

Charlene Bosiak
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In the song 'Back to Life' by Soul to Soul I thought it was "I dont wanna be a woman, I wanna be an earwig" When in fact the lyrics where "However do you want me, however do you need me" I was only about 7!

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I always thought the lyrics to the Aerosmith song were "You look like a lady" until about 5 minutes ago when I saw other people getting the lyrics wrong.

I am 21 years old, clearly I should have found out about this earlier!

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... "we are living in mama's cereal world.. and I am mama's cereal girl".... sounded good to me. I loved cereal.

When my big sister kindly pointed out to me that it was "material girl"... I thought she was one of those ladies at the fabric counter measuring out yards of material... I didn't like that as much.

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The song I was taught when I was little was:

Mare's eat Oats
and Does eat Oats
and Little Lambs eat ivy,
A kid will eat ivy too
wouldn't you?

This is what I would always sing, thinking the words:

Marsey Dotes and Dosey Dotes
and little lamsey divey
A kiddley divey doo
Wouldn't you?

I could never understand what it meant but never really questioned it, until I became much older and met up with someone who thought the same thing. After talking about it we came to the conclusion "Oh! So those are the words!"

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in the song "what a wonderful world" sung by Louise Armstrong, a line goes, the brightness of day and the dark sacred night, as a child i believed the line was the brightness of day and the dogs say goodnight!

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I was always a very good speller as a kid, except for one day as an 11-year-old when I attempted to sing along to Aretha Franklin:


I thought she was just naming off random letters.

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"Care less whispers"- I used to belive he siad "Cat less whiskers"

Puts the B in Wicth
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My friend Karen used to think Britney Spears' song "Baby One More Time" started off "Oh, biben, biben, how was a supposed to know..."

Also she always sang "Turn the beat around, love to feel the cushion" . Never let her live down this one.

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in the jimi hendricks song purple haze i thought that when they say "scuse me while i kiss the sky" i thout they said "scuse me while i kiss this guy"

i thought jimi hendrics was gay

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When I was maybe 8...I was addicted to watching CSI with my parents. The lyrics to the opening song are; 'Whooooo are you!? Who, who, who, who!?' However, I was convinced that that they were; 'Gooood morning! Good, good, good, good!' When I sang along to my version....my parents laughed so much :)

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