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thunder and lightning

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As a child E believed when it thundered that it was god noisily moving his furniture about.

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i thought that when it was thundering out that there were angels that were banging on there drums and when lightning came i thought it was god taking pictures

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I used to believe that when it was raining, it was because God opened the tap.

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I used to believe that a Monster would apear in front of me when it was lighting in an storm. For years I was so afraid of it!!

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I was told that thunder was my passed away grandfather playing football with God/Jesus, lighting was chandeliers that young angels caused to fall by playing on them, and that rain was God's tears that he was losing a follower of him, or because he fell and got hurt. I still believe that to this day

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I think lightning and thunder is caused by angels throwing temper tantrums

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When It is lightning god is bowling when it is thunder he got a strike when its raining angels are crying when its haling god is playing golf because hail can be the size of a golf ball

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When it's thunder and lightning, I think it's God banging on some drums letting us know that he is still God. The lightning God is saying, "Wake up everyone, you have a choice. You follow me or you follow the world. I will be coming soon like a lion who roars out loud!"

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I used to believe that thunder happened when God was bowling. Lightning meant he made a strike!

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Until I was fifteen, I used to believe that if you stand near the windows or you are touching a glass when there are lightning, you turn into stone.

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I used to believe that a thunderstorm was caused by angels bowling, that it would thunder when one of them got a strike!

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I thought when it was raining God / Angels were crying & When it was thundering & lighting God was mad at his wife. .. sounds good to me still!

Brooklynn :)
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to keep me from being afraid of thunder, my dad always referred to it as "Mr. Thunder"
when I heard the expression "roll of thunder" my image of thunder became a giant rolled-up rug made of grey clouds with a grumpy face. whenever the thunder came I imagined the rug rolling out...

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Lightning and thunder were produced at the garbage dump.

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i believe that using gold give electric shock at the time of lightning.so i didnot wear gold when rain starts.

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When i was younger, me and my little cousin got scared of the thunder and lightning. So my older cousin said that it was God taking pictures so we should always smile.. Haha, every time there is thunder and lighting i still smile, not because i think god is taking my picture but because i suddenly get flashbacks of those happy times! Suddenly remembered due to the awful weather...

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when i was young my best friend's mom would tell us that when it rained god was crying and that lightning was god getting mad and trying to hurt us.

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I used to believe that thunder was the clouds crashing together. I imagined the clouds were like bumper cars, and that ghosts were driving them.

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I remember being firmly convinced that thunder was the angels bowling, lightning was the bowling balls striking each other, and rain was God watering his garden. These were the only explanations that made sense to me back then.

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I've never been scared of thunder or lightning until the day my mother told me it was santas elves hammering toys togather.

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