i used to believe

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One day when I was in about 2nd or 3rd grade, The news was on the TV in the other room, and I heard the news lady say that there was a "weak tornado" in Kansas. Well I thought she meant a "week tornado". I was so horrified that there was a tornado that lasted for a whole week! The next day I told my mom again how I couldn't believe there was a week long tornado, and then she cleared it up for me. I was so embarrassed.

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I used to believe that fog occurs when someone shoots a cloud with a gun.

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I believed that wind was caused because the trees moved. I was completely sure my conclusion was correct.

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top belief!

I believed you could sit on clouds.

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We were always told that lightning was God's fireworks; no fear to be had. Like then, still love a good lightning storm.

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My friend's daughter always thought we were talking about the "windshield factor" She couldn't understand how we could tell how cold it was using a windshield.

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top belief!

There is large factory in the largest city near my hometown that has an impressive smokestack. When I was little, I thought that the factory was where clouds came from.

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I used to believe that the weather man on TV would make up whatever forecast he wants, then pray to god it came true.

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When I was younger, I used to look out of the window of our car and see the Sun. Wherever we went, we could still see the Sun, and as a result I believed that the Sun was following us.

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I used to think that the trails that Airplanes left in the sky, that's how clouds were made.

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I used to think that tornadoes were giant purple octopuses that would climb up the side of your house and rip your roof off. i learned what an actual tornado was when i saw The Wizard of Oz.

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top belief!

When I was young I thought that if it was raining here it was raining everywhere.

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I used to believe I could control the weather by singing rain rain go away or blowing the clouds away.

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I used to believe if I looked up when it was raining, my eyes would fill with water and I would drown. Thanks for that, dad.

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I used to believe that clouds were made from a factory chimney that was south of my home town.

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top belief!

When I was little my parents told me tornadoes were afraid of water to keep me from having panic attacks when tornadoes came since we lived next to a lake. Freshman year, I was at my friends house and the tornado sirens went off. I told her not to worry because she had a pool in her backyard. Needless to say, I haven't heard the end of it.

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top belief!

When I was little, I believed my dad could stop the rain at any second while driving down the freeway. What I didn't notice was that he would shout "stop!" every time we would drive under an overpass. I finally figured it out around 7 or 8. :)

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top belief!

We learned in about 1st grade that clouds were made of water vapor. We also learned that water vaporizes at 212° F. I put 2 and 2 together and believed that clouds were scorching hot. One day while riding in the car through dense fog, i asked my mom what fog was made of. She said it was basically a cloud on the ground. I wondered how we'd get out of the car without being burned.

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top belief!

When I was little, I believed that it was someone's job to hoist the sun up into the sky, and someone else's job to climb a really big ladder to hang up the clouds. Since sometimes there were no clouds in the sky, I assumed that person didn't go to work. I was always worried the man who hoisted the sun wouldn't go to work one day, and it would be dark when I woke up.

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When I way little I use to think that rain was God crying. When my brother was little he thought it was God peeing. Compared the other kids, he REALLY hated being caught in the rain

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