i used to believe

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When I was little (around 5/6 y.o,) and there were thunderstorms my grandmother would tell me that God was angry and I would get terrified. Then when I was a little older, I remember me and my cousins spending the summer at my grandmother's house and they told me that thunder was God bowling and getting a strike. So for the longest time I thought God got very angry when he bowling in heaven

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My dad told me fog was just clouds sleeping. and some of them were lazy and fell asleep right on the road. I always felt a little sad when we ran over them :[

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When I was little and riding in the car with my mom I would stare at the sun and I would sneeze (I loved to sneeze). I thought I had superpowers, or that I was allergic to the sun.

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I used to believe that tornadoes were spinning jack-o-lanterns in the air bent on destroying my house.

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When I was little, up until about the age of 18, I couldn't figure out how worms ended up on the sidewalk after it rained. I just assumed they fell from the sky. God, I am smart.

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I used to believe clouds disappeared at night. I didn't know where they went or why some nights I could see stars and others I couldn't.

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I used to believe that when it rained or snowed where we lived, it was raining or snowing all over the rest of the entire world too.

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I used to believe that driving caused the clouds to move.

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I used to believe that I could control the wind.

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Thanks to an older cousin, I used to believe that tornadoes were alive and could actually see us, so that’s why we had to hide in a hallway without windows during tornado drills in elementary school.

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That Icould hide the sun with clouds at my will, and it did work everytime.

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I used to believe that the wind was caused by trees so you could stop the wind by getting rid of trees.

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I used to believe that clouds were created by steam trains and I was worried about what would happen if steam trains stopped running completely.

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I used to believe that clouds were giant blocks of ice covered in cat hair.

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Between about 4-6 I used to believe that the wind came from the clouds moving.

Not so clever
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When I was a little kid, I used to think that jets' exhaust was what created the clouds

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I used to believe that when you could see your breath outside in the cold, you were making clouds. So I would breathe out a lot to make as many clouds as possible :)

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I once knew a girl who used to believe that the sun was actaully a really bright gold fish very high up.

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That when it rained it rain all over the world

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I used to believe that the angels sat up in the clouds and when it rained they were throwing buckets of water off the edge of the clouds. I would watch the rain looking for gaps thinking that was when they had to run and fill their buckets with more water.

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