i used to believe

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I used to believe that when it rained in one place, it rained all over the world. When told that this wasn't true, I imagined that there was an imaginary line, and that one side would be intense rain, while the other, only few feet away, would be clear and sunny.

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When I was young I used to believe that when it rained, God was peeing on the Earth. My grandma got mad.

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I used to believe that when my parents said it rains in Washington all the time, it rains ALL THE TIME.

I was shocked when we were moving here and crossed the border and it was clear.

I'm almost 30 and just told my parents this one :)

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I used to believe that the clouds passing by was evidence that the world was spinning and that windy days meant the planet was spinning extra fast.

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For my entire childhood I was convinced that I could control the breeze just enough to move the leaves on trees if I focused hard enough. I used to sit in my backyard and stare down all of the trees, and watch as they began to rustle with the wind.

I am glad to say that I still believe in the power of the mind over all else.

r. hellen
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When I was young, I thought "Isolated showers" was hail :)

John B.
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When I was little I used to think that the sun would move with me while I was in the car.

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I used to believe when I was 4 that when it rained, it rained across the whole world.

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I used to believe that when it rained, Angels were crying. And when it thundered, the Greek Gods were playing bowling.

Gullible Godess
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when i was 5, at school, we were playing outside and it started to rain. then one of my friends said that it was god's urine. i ran inside and refused to come out for ages. i was scared of the rain for many years after and now, when i walk to school, i splash them with puddles and laugh-though they don't anfer they come into school soaking wet!

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I used to believe those streaks in the sky (the ones airplanes or jets leave) were made by Mighty Mouse. I always tried looking for him, but I always missed him, since he was so fast.

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I believed that Clouds were actually Lions, made from giant cotton balls. Loads of cotton balls.

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I used to belive that places are colder when they're clean:
When I was 7 I came back from London and I told my friend that it's so cold there. And she said "yeah, that's because the streets there are much cleaner than here. It's like when you come back home to a clean house and it always feels colder. Well, it's the same with streets..."

The saddest part is that I thought it was true until I was in th 10th grade.

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I used to think that the tree branches moving was making the wind, not the wind making the tree branches move.

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In August of 1979 I was 4 1/2 and my mom was pregnant with my baby sister. We lived in Florida and Hurricane David was heading our way. I remember people were taping and boarding up their windows. My mom was miserably pregnant and kept saying she wanted the hurricane to come because it would make her go into labor. I would always think of a helicopter being flown by a man named David, because I had no idea what a hurricane really was. I thought the helicopter was going to land in the courtyard of our apartment complex and that people were taping and boarding the windows because the wind from the rotors was going to blow them out.

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I believed that the weatherman made the weather. The only excuse I got from adults was, "It has to rain, for the plants!" So, I thought the weatherman scheduled rain and I sometimes got quite upset with him bringing rain on a day I wanted to go outside!

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One day when I was about 6 years old, I was watching the weather and I noticed on the bottom of the screen it said, "Skycast: Green".

Being so young and hearing that when the sky turned green, tornadoes were likely to happen, I started crying my eyes out.

My mom told me, "They don't mean the sky is actually green; they just mean there's not that much pollen in the air. Now calm down!"

That confused the crap outta me for a year or two. :P

Still terrified of storms.
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In Illinois, we had a bad storm and were under a tornado watch. The family hid in the basement, and the whole time I thought we were hiding from "tomatoes". I was too you to understand "tornado", and thought they said "Run, get downstairs, there's a tomato coming!"

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I used to believe that tornadoes were giant slices of tomatoes that rolled across a farm. It wasn't untill I was five and saw the Wizard of Oz that I realized it was not a giant slice of tomotoe.

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I used to believe that sunglasses actually blocked the sun. I got a pair of sunglasses when I was 6 and promptly went outside & stared right at the sun. I ran inside & told my mom that my sunglasses were broken!

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