i used to believe

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My parents told me a rainbow only occurred when 2 animals got married in the forrest...I believed this up to the age of 11!!!! I didn't really feel I could question my science teacher when we learned the real reason behind rainbows + light spectrums.

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I used to seriously believe that tornadoes and tomatoes were the exact same thing. So when we had Tornado watches, I thought that meant everyone had to check on their garden or something.

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When I was either in kindergarten or grade one, we were out for recess and I looked up to see a hazy rainbow around the sun. I was amazed and asked an older girl (who was helping to supervise our class, I think) what caused it & she told me that it was because at that moment, everyone in the world was happy. I still think of her response whenever I see that phenomenon - what a nice answer to a little girl's question.

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i thought that the weather man had a machine that controlled the weather. every day he would pick whatever weather he wanted it to be, and thats how he was able to forecast what the weather was going to be. i also thought he could do really random ones if he wanted, like making it snow cottage cheese.

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Once when I was about four, it was the middle of the summer and I wanted it to snow. I asked my Daddy why it couldn't snow, and he replied, "Because the air is too warm. The air has to get cold for it to snow." Being clever, I decided that I was going to cool the air myself. I got one my family's plastic ice packs out of the freezer and laid it in the middle of the driveway. When nothing happened after a few minutes, I thought that maybe the "coldness" was too low to reach the air, so I propped it up on a brick.

Maeghan Jade
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Watching the weather forecast on television, I used to believe that Min and Max were the names of the weatherpeople and that they would each have a guess as to how many degrees it would be the next day. I could never understand why Max's guess was always higher than Min's and decided it was because he was a boy and had to outdo her every time.

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My uncle convinced me that the morning fog looming over in the smokey mountains was caused by thousands of beavers making steaming cups of coffee.

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As a child, after the storm passed, I noticed the water puddles contain colorful oil slicks swirling around. I thought that were dead rainbows. I tried to rescue them with a twig but it was too late.

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I used to believe fog was caused by cows smoking cigars. How could mom be lying?!

La Duchesse
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Clouds were made in factories

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When I was a child I believed that the wind was caused by the world moving really fast through space. The more windy it was, the faster the world must have been spinning.

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When I was little, I believed my dad could stop the rain at any second while driving down the freeway. What I didn't notice was that he would shout "stop!" every time we would drive under an overpass. I finally figured it out around 7 or 8. :)

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My friend Sergio told me he used to believe that those streaky slicks of petrol you see in puddles sometimes were dead rainbows.

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I always believed when it rained here, it rained all over the world, so I couldn't figure out why deserts exsisted.

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When I first came to the U.S. I was 5 years old and it was winter. A few days into the move to our apartment in NYC it had snowed overnight. When I first saw the snow I thought it was piles of sugar all over the streets. I asked my dad why there was sugar all over the streets, he laughed.

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I used to believe that rainbows got scared and went away if you went outside

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I used to think that fog was solid. Like cotton candy. Whenever we drove across the Golden Gate Bridge when it was shrouded in fog I would scream if the windows were rolled down. I was convinced the fog would force it's way inside and suffocate us. It wasn't until my mother pointed out to me the many happy people in their cars, with their windows rolled down, that I finally believed we would not die.

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When I was little I used to think snow came out of lights, like daylight and street lights.
During the day, it was light everywhere so it snowed everywhere. At night, because it was dark when the street lights were on, you could only see it falling in the light.

An imaginative kid who grew up.
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I used to believe that a tornado was a giant red tomato that rolled through cities and towns.

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When I was in jr. kindergarten a little boy threw a worm in my hair and for years after I believed that people carried umbrellas because worms fell from the sky.

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