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When I was a kid, typical grocery stores in my town had slanted mirrors in places, like behind the produce bins. For a long time, I didn't realize that they were mirrors. I thought they were windows allowing a view into a different part of the store, a part that wasn't level but steeply slanted. It seemed almost a magical part of the store. Shoppers there seemed to effortlessly walk up the steep floor with no danger of sliding down. And they could leave their shopping carts in place without them rolling downhill. I figured that it was only a matter of time until my parents would have occasion to shop in that other strange and wonderful part of the store, and they would take me there with them. Eventually I was very disappointed to learn that no such thing would ever happen.

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When I was a kid, we still had Woolworth's five-and-ten cent stores, which have since gone out of business. I thought back then that their name was "Wool Worse". So I thought they were the last place anyone would want to buy anything made of wool, as their wool, I thought, was worse than anyone else's.

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On Main St. in the town where I grew up, there was an unfinished furniture store. I was well into my 20's when I finally realized that "unfinished furniture" meant that there was no paint or stain on the wood, NOT that it was missing legs or tops.... I wish I had known that before I bought that set of dining-room chairs that I had to strip and repaint myself.....

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For a while until I now(I'm 15!) I misunderstood when expensive looking jewelery was called"paste"(fake) I thought that it was literally made out of glue. Though I always wondered how they made the gem stones out of glue...

Glow worm
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I used to think everytime my mom took my to the supermarket, she was willing to trade me for another son and I kept asking myself who would be my new parents, how much I would cost and stuff

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When i was younger i thought that when you go to the grocery store, you couldn't go down an isle that somebody was already in. I thought this because whenever my mom and i went shopping, we would start walking down an isle and then we would turn around right away and go to the next isle. (we turned around because the item she wanted wasn't down that isle) I realized that you could go down an isle that somebody was in when i was about 9 or 10.

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My mom told my little brother that we were going to the antique shop(he is only 6) and he looked confused but said ok anyway. when we got the he ran up to the lady and hugged her and yelled imso happy to see you Aunt Tik. We died laughing and had to explain it to him

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I remember thinking that the "Nude Furniture" store was some sort of naughty place.

Texas Rocky
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I used to believe that a car auto body shop was a place where they sold body parts (ex. arms, legs, torsos). I had a fear of going into them!

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When i was three, i thought freezer shelves in the super market were giant popsicles. i figured out i was wrong when i got my tongue stuck on the shelf when i tried to lick it! :-p

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When I was about 3 to 7, I was always careful when I got on escalator because my Dad told me, that at the top, if I didn't jump off really fast then I would get sucked into the escalators.

To this day I'm careful on escalators.I'm 10. but now it's because at the mall with my mom once I accidentally stretched really far. One foot was on the escalator the other was on the ground!

Scared of escalators!

Psyco chiken girl. (I used to be bird brain and all those others from now on I'm Psyco Chiken Girl.
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When I was little I was afraid to go to Business Depot with my mom and little brother. It sounds stupid, but when my mom said Business Depot, I thought she said Mrs. Depot and at that time I was really shy and I didn't want to visit some old lady. :P

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i used to think everyone had there own Kmart because i would go with my gramma and she would say we are going to her Kmart and i would say where is my Kmart but we were really going to the one in her town

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When I was little I didn't understand the concept of the intercoms at Meijers stores very well. I thought that the building had a second story, and that there were people who were paid to lay on their stomachs on the 2nd floor and talk down through the intercoms in the ceiling. I just imagined all these people spread out flat on the second floor, doing nothing but talking through holes in the floor so that we could hear them.

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This was a while ago, when I was about nine or ten. At that time, I heard about the store, "Abercrombie and Fitch". But I heard it as "Abercrombian Fitch". I figured that "Abercrombia" was a country (in South America, specifically), and anything from Abercrombia was Abercrombian. And I thought a "Fitch" was a bird (I later figured out I was thinking about a finch). I always wondered why someone would name their store after an Abercrombian Fitch (or Finch). It just didn't make any sense. I was a strange kid.

Caitlin from Canada
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My brother--who is two years younger than me--used to tell me stories about the Snoopy Store. He said he'd gone on this field trip once and at the mall they'd stopped at there was a store where Snoopy, Charlie Brown, and all of the Peanuts characters and Snoopy's family lived. He said that they had everything Snoopy there, and as I am a Peanuts freak, I totally believed him, and when I was seven, I asked my dad to take us to the mall so we could find the Snoopy Store. I totally bought this lie 'til I was about ten. Thanks for deluding me, bro.

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When my sister and I were little, our dad told us that the men working at this one store we went to, liked little girls and would steal us and take us away to their country to be their brides. We got so scared that one day when we went to the bathroom there, we would not come out until our dad came in to get us and carry us out of the store.

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When I was little, I believed in "good" and "bad" shops. I hadn't quite grasped the object of getting change when you didn't pay them the exact amount, so I thought that nice shops gave you money back for shopping with them, and nasty shops didn't. I can remember thinking I was really smart with my little theory, until one shocking day...We'd been to sainsburys before and they's always given us change, so I thought they liked me. One day though, WE DIDNT GET ANY CHANGE. My parents started walking off so I stood by the cashtill waiting.They eventually had to drag me away screaming "they dont like me anymore!!"

Emily (dumbass)
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When I was little I thought that black Friday was when all the poor black people went christmas shopping. This is why they had all great sales on that day. I didnt know that it wasnt true until today.

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When my mom came home with a new coat or purse from the store, I'd always like to look into the pockets because they kept those freshner salt packets in there. When I found them, I use to think the packets were drugs that the person making the coat "left" in there. I always wanted to call the cops about each packet I found.....

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