i used to believe

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I used to believe there was a little man who turned on all the stret lights at night, i used to wounder how he did it so quickley!

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I used to think when we moved, it was because we were exchanging our house with the buyer's...

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The house I grew up in when I was young had a sewer cover at the end of the driveway. I used to think that the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles lived down there, so I would stomp on it everyday while waiting for the bus hoping that they would bust out and say, "Turtle Power!!"

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I used to believe that the divots in the road before you get to a toll booth were little trolls under the road drilling with jackhammers up at us because they were mad we were making all that noise....

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i used to belive that when you walk across three drains its bad luck so i awlays go sround the drains!!

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Whenever my mother and I were driving home she would make whining noises that she pretended were the road we lived on asking me to make it breakfast. No matter what time of day it was I would pretend to make toast and orange juice and bacon and then throw it out the back window. For some reason I wound up thinking that bacon was called cheltenham because that was the name of the road I lived on.

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I used to think that the cat's eyes on the road were actually real cat's eyes.I thought that they were there to keep you driving on the right side of the road as they would get sqashed and be really yucky if you ran over them.

Lisa R
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When I was little and visited the Greek isles with my parents, I always saw "Rooms to let" signs and wondered how is it possible that 'toilet' is mispelled EVERYTIME? I also couldn't understand why the signs mentioned toilets-didn't all rooms have them as standard? And signs that just said 'Rooms'-did they not have a toilet?

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When my brother was little, my father told him that a mouse lived in the little box on top of the street lights. When it got dark, the mouse turned it on. That was why they didn't all turn on at once, some mice thought it should be darker before they flipped the switch. He went to school and told all his buddies, who laughed him out of the room. He still hasn't forgiven my father - and my brother's 31.

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I used to believe that jay-walking meant crossing the street diagnally.Every time I crossed the street(any street)I would look all around,paranoid.I thought someone would come and arrest me.I Thought I was so clever and cool."Look at me ,crossing diagnally.I'm so bad ass".

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I was afraid of bridges - particularly those over water. I was afraid they would fall down. I always used to hold my breath when we drove over a bridge because I thought that would make the car lighter.

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At the end of my childhood neighborhood, there was a house where an old lady lived. For some reason, a bunch of us kids got the idea that she was a witch! Maybe because she lived alone with her cats, or something, who knows? There was also a slab of sidewalk where someone had put their shoe prints before the cement dried, and one kid said that the witch had caused another boy to disappear, leaving only his footprints behind.

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When I was little there were a signs inside the trams saying “No smoking or spitting allowed”. I understood about noisy spitting but I could never understand how someone could smoke out loud…

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I used to believe that the statue of the WWI soldier in front of the high school was the Statue of Liberty. I don't know why.

John B.
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When I was young I would get on a swing and launch myself as high as I could thinking if I jumped too high Superman would swoop down and catch me. I stopped believing that when I jumped off a swing got really high and racked myself on a fence.

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When I was little my mom always told me never to walk outside barefooted. One summer day I touched the street (twas scorching) then I realized that if I walked on the street barefooted I would be engulfed in flames.

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When I was younger I used to believe that the sparkly sidewalks, instead of having something added to the concrete to make them sparkly, was actually millions of tiny ant paparazzi. I would hide my face as I walked over it.

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I used to believe that you get your taxes done at the taxidermist.

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There was a USAF military base near our house and my mom and aunts used to always warn one another and us, "Watch out for the airmen." I had this vision of a huge child-eating alien wearing an astronaut's helmet walking around downtown, and wondered why the government didn't stop it.

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The neighbor kids told me that if you stand too close to a cement truck while the back is turning you would get sucked up the chute.

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