i used to believe

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I used to believe that george morlan was an ice cream cone. So whenever we drove by the goerge morlan plumbing store i would ask to stop for ice cream but my mom could never figure out why.

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Just down the road from our house, there used to be a depot where they made, sold and hired out scaffolding. This company had an advert on the side of the adjacent bridge which carried the railway line over the main road. To allow double decker buses to pass under this bridge, the road dips to a lower level. The advert on this bridge used to read “Sale+hire”, indicating that you could buy or hire scaffolding from this depot. I thought it was an instruction to motorists to “sail higher”, i.e. return to the normal height when you reach the other side of this bridge where the dip in the road level comes to an end.

Alan, Sheffield
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I believed as a child that if you stepped in wet cement that you had to take your shoes and socks and go barefooted for a day.

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when i was about 5-6..there was a building under construction near my school..i somehow felt it was a corrupt prison from hong kong,and that it was my mission to save people from inside

suraj rawal
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i used to belive that every time i drank out the water fountain i would get the water the person before me drank. i don't know how i came up with this but i never told anyone about this strange conclusion!!!!!

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When I was a little girl living in Brazil, my cousin, who was around my age, would tell me that if you threw a coin in the sewer a doll would come up, like a vending machine or something. Go figure.

It never worked...
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I grew up in Los Angeles. Once, when I was about 4, I saw an opening ceremony for a new freeway on the news. For a while after that, I believed that the the freeway was closed every night, and that mayor came out every morning to cut the ribbon and open it.

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When my friend, Katy, was younger, she thought that if she watered the sidewalk, it would get longer by the next day.

...What a dummy..

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I live in a block of flats, and we have two elevators. I once was really afriad of elevators (actually, I still am ^^') and I always got freaked out when I had to use one. But I still liked one of them and I named it Baneczek. And I would always talk to it (in my thouhgs, thank God!) when I was inside. I told it that it was a pretty, nice lift and that I like it sooo much. I did that becouse I believed thad if the elevator won't like me enough, it would fall.
And still, although I'm 17, when I am in a lift and one of my friends says sometging mean, like "Move already you stupid elevator!" I always get scared and go like "Are you mad!? Never insult an elevator that you're in! God elevator, we love you..." Really, I actually do that. Take my advice and never insult a livt! For me it worked - it never fell ^^.

Maja ^_^
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top belief!

I suppose hearing 'where there's smoke there's fire' led me to believe that there were fires under the street-- why else would there be smoke billowing out of the subway grates? What disturbed me even more was the fact that none of the pedestrians walking right through this smoke seemed to care and just went about their business!

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When I came home from school during lunch I saw a tent on the pavement (sidewalk), of course I got curious and inside was a man fixing the phonelines. I went home and told mum not to use the phone. I was worried that by using the phone the poor man might be electrocuted or something. I was mad at her when she was talking oon the phone later on!

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My mother was a little girl in Brazil in the early 1960's. Whenever my mother would see a homeless person carrying a bag, her mother would tell her that those people kidnapped children and they would carry the children in the bags.
As a result, my mother was horrified and never got near homeless people with bags. Now she feels terrible and knows they were just carrying around their belongings.

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I thought I actually had neighbours called the "Whosits". My mom always would refer to "the 'Whosits' up the street"

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We are from a small small town. No big buildings, farmer/ hick town. One day, on an emergency road trip to the city, my 9 year old brother looked out of the car window and exlaimed," LOOK, BUILDINGS!!!!" That's when I decided, we needed to get out of there.

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Once my cousin told me that a Robber lived across the street from her. I thought Robber was the name of a man. I would always look for him, see a man, and think," I wonder if that's Robber."

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when I was a kid of less than 10y I thought I was connected to my home with an invisible sort of elastic band and I had to be careful as to how many times I took a bend, so as not to get tangled with my "cord" ] afraid of not being able to return home properly if I did. And when my mum chatted with her neighbours and I stood aside waiting till she wanted to go back home, I often got very cross when she (or the neighbour) walked over or through my invisible cord. Bizar isn't it?

Sheila Na Gig
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When I was in junior high I was on a baseball team. We had practice every Thursday. Well, one Thursday I went to the park early, and the gate was closed. I had to think for a moment if I was allowed to open it and as soon as I did, really loud echoing sirens started to go off. I was really scared that I alerted some kind of security system and was going to be arrested until I realized that every other Thursday, because our city has a lot of refineries, alarms and sirens go off in the afternoon as some kind of emergency test, and you can hear them across the whole city. Thankfully, that's all that it was and I didn't get thrown in jail for trying to get into a park.

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In my old neighborhood where I lived when I was little, there was an old man that lived in the house across the street. He would always play a really loud organ at night, and I thought that inside his house was Dracula and Elvira and other scary things that would wake up and roam the streets whenever he played the organ. This really freaked me out, especially at Halloween.

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When I was really young, I used to have a fear of under-tunnels.[like underground short-cuts to the train]. I used to believe that if you walked underground, you would disturb drawfs working [like in snow white in the diamond mines]. And I thought the drawfs would then torture whoever who disturbed them. Pretty far-fetched huh? But I was really afraid of undergrounds then that I would discourage my mom to walk through them and walk the long instead. She never understood why though...

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top belief!

As a young child I noticed all around as we drove through town "pedestrian" crossings. At the time we attended a Presbyterian church and I thought they said "Presbyterian" crossings. It made me wonder where the Catholics could cross the street.

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