i used to believe

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In the city we grew up in, there is a door the seemingly leads nowhere. It is on a hill, going up a street. Above it is just a parking lot, or it was when we were kids. The door was just there with concrete leading to the side of the hill. We always believed the door was the entryway to Hell, and no adult ever would tell us it's real purpose. Still is spooky to see it there, in 2005, leading "nowhere".

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You know how you'll be driving along the highway and see a shoe on the road?
When I was a little girl, I asked my Dad why there were sometimes shoes on the road and he told me in a very sad voice that "somebody didn't look both ways when they crossed the street." That has had me freaked (and looking both ways) to this day, and I'm now 49!

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When I was young I used to believe that if you stepped on the lines of a sidewalk...Freddy Kruger would come out of the sideblock cracks and kill you! hahha.

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when I was in elementary school, believed that while I was in a crosswalk, I was protected from being hit by a car. I used to walk right out on to the street. I'm lucky to be alive I think.

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when I was young, we lived near a hospital, which had the big "H" on the top of the building. Every time we would drive by I would say "There's the H hospital", assuming that there was an A hospital, B hospital, etc., etc. It was not until I was much older that I realized the H meant Hospital.

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My dad once told me that scaffolding outside a building was erected to keep burglars out. I believed this for an extraordinarily long time and I still kinda think it's logical somehow.

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I used to beleive that the double yellow lines on the street was a bike path until my siblings made fun of me for riding my bike in the middle of the road

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When I was around 3 years old, I used to belive that when you crossing a pedestrian crossing, you must step only on the white lines, so the car drivers will be able to pass between your legs.

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I used to think that the Bookmakers made books but could not understand why there were so many of them and they all seemed to have stained glass windows of horses. I was 18 before I found out it was a betting agents and that Scotland wasn't some great Literary Capital of the world.

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on the way to my grandmothers house, there was a road running along a graveyard, and there were two huge speed humps which were painted in black and white checkers.
When i was about 5 i used to think that the big speed humps were chessboards and the graveyard was were all the pieces were.

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Up until I was 17 I thought that 'no outlet' signs meant that the steet didn't have any streetlights.

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I used to believe that the lines down the middle of the road were painted on by someone leaning out the passenger side window of a car. I just assumed you had to have a really steady hand and long arms to get hired for the job.

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When I was around six my cousin told me that the orange balls they put on the telephone wires were there to twist the wires so the squirrels couldn't walk on them. It used to confuse me so much to see the birds land on the wires that the squirrels couldn't touch.

Needless to say I later found out that they're there so the airplanes don't hit them, but still every time I see them the first thought in my head is to look to see if any squirrels are on them.

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i thought all the dompsters had a monster living in it.

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I used to believe that at the beach town where we spent the summer, they took the sidewalks in for the winter.

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I was just browsing the site, and came upon an interesting discovery. I just found out about two minutes ago, from a belief posted here, that fire trucks actually don't carry the water inside of them. And I'm 19.
Now that is seriously sad!

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I used to think a shark could swim up the pool drain and gobble me up. The drain wasn't even 8 inches wide.

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When I was little, we use to live on a corner and my older brother and sister used to tell me to go work the corner. I actually thought it meant work on the corner, so I would get my little nail kit and go out there and work until my mom would come home and yell at them for having me out there again. Siblings can be so cruel!

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This was not a belief of mine but of a friend who lives in Budapest. There are several bridges over the river Danube and one of them is followed by a tunnel. My friend believed that the tunnel is there so that people can push the bridge into it in the evenings, else someone would steal it at night.

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I thought thyat the big bags of laundry that I would see on the tops of trucks [I think the company was National] was money, like the armoured cars, and if they fell off, you cuold keep it.

Jean Lewis
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