i used to believe

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in the street

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The first time I ever saw a "Garage Sale" sign, I knew how to read the word "garbage" but not "garage". So I misread it as "Garbage Sale" and thought the sellers were expressing a low opinion of their merchandise.

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I used to belief that the bumps on the road around neighbourhoods(to slow cars down)had dead people buried in it...and when I stop believing that, I made my younger sister belive it too!

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My mom told me when I was about 5 that we were moving. For some reason I thought that meant that big strong men would come pick up the house and move it somewhere else. Before we ended up moving, I wondered how many men it would take to move our house, and where they would put it.

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I used to believe that every street light had a switch and there woz a big house full of switches all over the walls

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In the UK, we have "Jet" petrol stations, I used to think real jets were there, so when I went past them, i covered my ears because I thought it would be really loud

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I used to think 'To Let' on disused office buildings meant they were big toilets.

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When i was little i used to believe that the people on billboards were giants. I thought that the photographers had to get giant people to take a picture of and then make a huge print out of the picture and there was the billboard.

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I always thought that the houses on a street with a "No Outlet" sign did not have electricity because they did not have outlets.

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There was construction going on outside of our house one day when I was five or six, and I was curiously watching. There was a cement truck and I remember being very intruiged by it, until it started to move. The shoot (the long thing in which the cement flows out of the mixer) faced toward me and suddenly I went crying and screaming bloody murder out of the room. Horrified, my dad asked what was the matter and I dramatically replied "That truck stuck its tongue out at me!"

Apparently I use to believe that construction machinery had tongues.

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i used to think that there were little men and woman who lived in street lights and that they turned them on and off. If a street light was broken i thought the little people moved out or were visiting other little people

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When I was about 6, I used to believe if I was at a neighbor's house it was my new house!

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When I was little I thought street lights were homes for little gnomes and that they came on when the gnome needed more light. I was always really upset when I saw a street light not working - the little gnome had died!

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When I saw signs stating "Lots for sale" I thought it meant that there was a lot for sale.

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I used to believe that inside each streetlight there was a little stick-like person called a magic-doom. i thought that thye lived in there and that they would turn the lights on and off for us.

I also thought that they would jump out at night with parachutes and play games all through the night.

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My dad and my nephew play this game called "Gotcha" where they try to fool each other with things and then say, after they've had enough fun, "Gotcha!" My dad told my nephew that the BB & T bank (British Banking and Trust) was Bacon Bits & Tomatos Bank because that was the guy that owned the banks favorite food but that they named it BB & T because noone would bank at a place called Bacon Bits & Tomatos. My nephew believed my dad for months and even told teachers and other kids at school the stupid story. Finally, I told dad what my nephew was saying in public and that he sounded stupid and that he needed to say "Gotcha". Finally, dad did.

Just Me
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when i was young i believed that when u moved house the house would come with you !!!
just like a turtle

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When I was in kindergarten, my teacher told us that spring was right around the corner. So, when I got home, I looked around the corner of our house and was very disappointed that I did not see spring.

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top belief!

When I was growing up across from my house there was this old run-down building. I used to think that that building was where they invented words. I thought that they had meetings every Thursday night, and the members consisted of a group of 30 old men that raised their hands when they thought of a new word.

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i used to believe that when a person moved away, they switched houses with the person that bought their house

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When i was 10 and moved to California, i saw those bumpy lane dividers for the first time. When i asked my mom what they were for she said, "so blind drivers can know where the lanes are."

i believed her.

when i was 15 i was telling my friend about it when it hit me. "how can blind people see the stop lights."

i'm glad i straightened that out before i took my drivers test.

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