i used to believe

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I used to believe that petrol stations were there because someone had dug for oil and found it and built the petrol station there. Then when they were closed down it was because the oil had run dry!

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When I was little, I used to see "Hidden Driveway" signs and believe that they had been specially hidden for alert people to find, like Easter eggs or a game of Where's Waldo. So I was always very excited to see "Hidden Driveway" signs and look for the hidden driveway. After my sister informed me that the signs were just there to warn drivers about the driveways being hard to see from the road, I was pretty disappointed, and a little more magic went out of my world.

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I never used to go near sewers because I thought they would suck you in. I thought they would even pull cars and schoolbuses in!

what a nutty kid!
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You know how crosswalks have those alternating white lines? Well, I used to believe that if you walked across it, and happened to touch a part that wasn't painted white, the road would fall apart.

Craig McLennan
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i used to think that i lived in the basement of my town. there was a hill that went so far down i thought it actually we went below the town to its basement.

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When I was young I couldn't get all the info about firefighters to fit together. I knew they slid down a pole to get out to the fire. I knew the firebox on the corner telephone pole summoned them to the fire. I could understand how they could slide down a small pole inside the big telephone pole and how they could get out.

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top belief!

In Sydney, Australia, when I was about 4 or 5, whenever any road construction works started, the workers would always put a sign up a few hundred metres in front of the area to warn people which said "NEW WORK AHEAD". I'd just learned to read and always thought the sign read "NEW YORK AHEAD". Hence, I was very excited whenever I saw this sign because I'd be getting to see the Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building etc, because I knew about New York from televesion. Of course I never got to see any of these things. I'd always think it was because my mother had turned off before the road to New York and comforted myself with a "maybe next time".

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I used to believe that a boy in my class called Naieem lived in a Scip

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Some of my friends and I in kindergarten during recess found a photo of a couple naked people. We found the photo near a drain in the ground, so somehow we concluded that there was a place underground where a bunch of naked people lived.

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I used to think that when the roads were 'all finished' all of the streets with the same name in all the towns in the world would connect.

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I used to believe that the street lights around the country were all operated on one switch, and that when dusk came, Princess Diana would flick the switch and make all the street lights come on.

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I used to see dead animals on the side of the road that were obviously dead-hit by a vehicle. In the infinited wisdom of my parents they told me, to keep the tears from flowing all day, that the animals were just sleeping on the side of the road. Until about the age of five I kept wondering why my parents would never stop and catch one of these sleeping pets so that I could have them as a pet.

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I used to believe that a topless bar meant that everyone who went to one had to be topless (men and women)

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When I was about five or six, my dad brought me along with him to go to work and on the way we crossed this parade where there were a bunch of bears giving out candy, and apparently I was REALLY fascinated. So about a week after, I asked my dad if we could go see the bears again, because I thought it was perfectly normal to see blue and green bears dancing around in the streets on your way to work.

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I believed that the gap between the double yellow lines in the road was a special lane for motorcycles.

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top belief!

In Canada we have signs that read:
Max Clearance - 6'10" (or with other various measurements for truck heights on them) and I used to believe that we had a really tall guy, named Max Clearance in our fair city of Halifax!!!

Jude Horrocks
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I had a friend who lived in public housing and I thought it was the best cuz it was like a little town and this popcicle vendor used to always be around. I begged my parents to move there.

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When I was young I thought the oil company called Esso was actually 3SSO, because the font used for the E looked like a 3 backwards. I didn't recognise it as an E until it was pointed out to me that it was not a 3. I must be dyslexic or something.

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During a neighborhood sleepover, the woman next door told all the kids that she had gotten lost while camping when she was a child. She ate some berries and wondered into a cave with bats. One of the bats in the cave bit her on her big toe (which was why it looked funny and was double-jointed). At nights she could turn into a bat and spy on all the kids in the neighborhood. For some reason, I was always afraid of that neighbor...

Just a girl
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Our dad conviced us that the local mini-storage was really a midget colony, although they were nocturnal midgets and only came out at night. That's why the doors were always closed.

He also convinced us that the local pioneer cemetary was where the midgets were buried when they died. Took us a while to figure out they were really plots for cremated remains ....

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