i used to believe

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There is a building that I would go past often when I was little, and on the side it says Whale E. Electric with a picture of a whale next to it. Most kids my age thought it was an aquarium with a whale in it, but I thought it was filled with red and blue whale shaped sponges. I have no idea how I came up with that one.

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when i was little.. i used to try not to step on the cracks.. cause i seriously thought i would break my moms back.. it was sad.. still to this day i am parinoid i try not to step on cracks in the sidewalk
it is sadd

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I used to believe that street lights had genders and personalities.

Because street lights come in differently designed poles and lamps, I always imagined lights in one neighborhood being happy, lights in others being sad, ecstatic, disgruntled, surprised, tranquil, etc. Depending on the pole, the light would be either male, female, or sometimes unisex.

Mr. Semaj
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When I was about 7, I thought the red front doors of my sister's high school meant that firetrucks were stored inside, and the firetrucks would come down the 20 or so steps of the building anytime there was a fire. I proudly told this to a visitor we were showing around town and my entire family stared at me like I was a total loon.

Still confused by buildings
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I used to believe that if you stepped on the cracks of the pavement, a bear would jump up and eat you.

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My sister and I used to believe that the power polls were monsters, so on road trips we would dive behind the backseat, while my brother protected us.

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When I was little I was terrified of the garbage truck. I believed if it saw me the big long arm that grabbed the trash can was going to come and grab me and throw me away!

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top belief!

Approximately from 3rd to 4th grade, I suspected some sort of secret society existed in the area where I lived. I gradually began to notice that large groups of people, such as in a restaurant or crowded streets, they would occasionally signal each other.

If you were in such a crowd long enough, you might hear a tiny electronic *beep*, sometimes it might a double *beep-beep*. A few minutes later, a beep answers from somewhere else. These little beeps are hard to localize so you can't really tell who its coming from. This signaling would slowing build up, then fade away. I didn't think they were exchanging information, more of a "I'm here, too" reassurance to each other.

I couldn't figure out who these people were or what their organization was about; the groups of people that signaled each other seemed random and there were no other clues i could discern.

Later I realized it was digital watches beeping on the hour.

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I used to believe that you can only walk over zebra on the white lines. It was hard for me to make those giant steps, until my older sister explained me what it's really for...

Antonia, Croatia
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Step on a crack you'll break your momma's back

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I use to believe that in the gutters down my street lived alligators. My brother and I would go out there every single morning and feed them bread crumbs because we were afraid if we didn't feed them they would come and eat us!

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I used to believe that the hard white circles of old gum where people spat it out in the street were marks made by walking sticks! I wasn't till I was like 10 that I noticed that the walking sticks were'nt making any marks and that it was gum!

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When I was younger, my family and I were visiting my Great-Grand Parents in Bonavista. One day as my family were walking I was looking down a manhole. My dad said if I looked close enough I would see the Ninja Turtles. I looked there all the time. And out side of the one by the Hospital too.
Sometimes I Still look down a manhole. Hoping too see a Ninja Turtle.

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I used to think that all the street lamps were controlled by one giant light switch, hidden behind some bushes somewhere in the town. I used to imagine it was switched every night and every morning, by a surly caretaker.

Tufty the Squirrel
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I used to belive that the street signs that say the name of the road, were actually people, and the street name was their name. So in grade one when learning directions, when the teacher decided to name a street Kaitlin road, I burst into tears, the teacher had no idea why, so quickly changed it to Justin road. My friend Emily still remembers, and is the only one who knows why I cried, and teases me.

Kaitlin Road
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When I was little, there was a street light which didnt light up properly and made a buzzing noise. I used to think it was going to blow up. I used to run past it as quickly as poss, terrified.

Lesley Smith
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my dad told me that the ticket dispensers in car parks were staffed by people with dwarfism as they were to short to get any other jobs and if you looked really carefully in the ticket slot you could see them in their protective booth!

Clare Readman
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i was told as a child if you stepped in a puddle you'd fall through to hell----how cruel is that, thanks mam!

leanne mcentee
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I used to think that when they liquidated a house, they took a bunch of chemicals and pumped the house full of it until it was all soggy and flooded.

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top belief!

One time I was walking with my mom and saw footprints in the cement. I asked her, "How did they get their foot print in there?" She replied, "Because they stepped on the cement when it was wet." Oooh. So for the longest time after that, every time it rained, I would stomp the ground, hoping to leave an imprint. Since I never could do it, I reasoned that it must be because I was still a child and was too light to sink into the cement.

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