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swimming pools

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I had only seen depth markers that marked feet before, so when I went to a pool that had depth markers that said 3 FT 4 IN, I thought that the "4 IN" part meant there were four people in the pool. It didn't occur to me that I could see more than four people, and there was no way the depth markers could have counted how many people were in the pool anyway.

depth markers
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I used to go to a pool where there was a sign that said "Shower before entering pool." Some letters fell off so it said "Shower bef", so I thought another name for the pool was the "shower bef". My dad played along with it and asked if I wanted to go to the baby pool or the shower bef.

Shower Bef lover
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There was this one area of the local pool that I thought was called the "Disney Area". Why? Because I thought it looked like Mickey Mouse's head.

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i used to think that you would die if you didn't wait 30 minutes to go into the pool after eating. (^^)

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my aunt told us there was a special chemical in the pool that would turn red if we peed in it.

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One time when i was 4, i went to my Grandma's pool and put on these orange goggles. Because they covered my nose, i assumed i could breathe underwater. You can guess how that turned out...

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I used to be scared of the drain at the bottom of the pool, especially the big one at the community pool. I imagined it would suddenly suck me down to the underworld and there was a monster down there that wanted me. I stayed scared of pool drains for a very long time.

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I used to think that when you swimming 'Freestyle' was swimming any way you want.

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When I would have my swimming lessons, I would belt it down the pool, not because I wanted to become an Olympic medallist, I didn't want the sharks, or worse, the whales, to eat me while I swam! I still swim pretty quickly in the deep end....

'Mama, I'm scared!'
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When I was little, my dad told me that if you pee in the pool the water will turn purple

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I used to believe that if i was alone in a swimming pool a shark will apear and eat me

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When I was little I thought that if you swam to long the water would suck up your youth and that was why your fingers got all wrinkly.

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My dad once told me that water reservoirs were paddling pool in the sky , I used to shout out paddling pool when I saw one

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When I was 7 my older sister and all of the lifeguards at my neighborhood pool convinced me that there was a thing called a wetifyer. If you turned the wetifyer off then once you got out of the pool you would no longer be wet. I believed them until I finally became a lifeguard myself and asked my boss where the wetifyer was located...

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When I was about 6 we use to go to Los Angeles in summer to vist my grand-parents.They had a swimming pool in the back garden.When I was swimming, I asked my brother why I couldn't swim in the deep end and he told me"Well our family is part mermaid and that I wasn't enough of a mermaid." so of course I asked what I needed to do to become a Mermaid and he said eat lots os carrots which I hated and still do.I started to cry and when my dad asked why "I just said Daddy I need carrots." I think he thought I was just a very heath concious child.

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When I was little i wouldnt swim in the deep end of a swimming pool because i thought there were lobsters in there and they would bite my feet.

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I used to believe that your tap water came from the swimmimg pool.

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when my sister and i were young, we went to a pool that had white tiles on the bottom of the shallow end, with the occasional black tile. my sister believed these black tiles were bottomless abysses and refused to step on them for years, until one day she braved it and was completely shocked it was just another tile.

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When I was younger I used to believe that sharks lived in any body of water (including swimming pools). So everytime I jumped off the edge or the diving board I would swim as fast as I can to get back out because I thought a shark would come out of the pool wall and eat me.

Laura B.
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You know how some hotels are called "Hotel Name and Suites"? Well I always used to think suites was meant to be suit, as in bathing suit. I thought that all of those hotels had a pool, and they had extra bathing suits in case you forgot yours. I pictured this big room with men's, women's and children's suits, in every size. I thought that was a lot of work for a hotel to go through.

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