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Wee turns a different colour in swimming pools

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when i was little and we went on holiday. i used to be a complete pool baby and i wouldn't get out of the pool. so when i needed the loo i'd just go to the loo in the pool. i know it's disgusting but so was the toilet.
anyway my mum found out and then said calmly to me: "sarah,if you wee in the pool you'll get a purple ring around you when you swim"
i believed her for ages and never did it again.

sarah beakhan
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My grandparents owned an in ground pool in their back yard that me and my cousins loved to play in at a young age. They took great pride in that pool and the garden around it and were determined to keep it clean. In order to do that my grandmother told us that if you peed in the pool the chemicals in the pool would make it turn bright red and everyone would no what you did! All of us believed in this until quite recently!

Caugh Red Handed?
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i remember when i was swimming with my friends once, they said if you peed in the pool, a big yellow cloud would surround you so everyone would know who peed in the pool. i believed them for quite a while.

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I used to believe around age 5 That if you peed in the swimming pool water there's a special chemical in there that makes pee show up as the color purple. Boy was I scared to wee in the pool! One time when no one was looking I peed in the pool, and, to my surprise, all I saw was a few sprays of faint yellow spurt out into the water.

My Nana and PapPap told me this when I was really young to prevent little "accidents" in the pool. It worked for a while until I discovered the truth later on.

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when i was younger when i used to wee in the swiming pool my mum told me that if i ever did it again that a special dye would turn red and then the alarms would go of,

jess watso
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My grandchildren believe that if you pee in the pool the water turns blue as a result of a chemical added to the water to prevent such things from happening and thus everyone will know when you have done it. Of course, this came from their grandpa, who told them this to prevent them from peeing in the pool.

Mamaw in Oklahoma
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My cousin told me that in her local swimming pool they had a chemical that turned your wee bright red and it would follow you around so everyone would know what you'd done. Sure worked on me, I made the effort to get out and use the loos after that!

Claire UK
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I was about 5 or 6 when my swimming instructor lead me to believe that if you pee'd in a swimming pool, you could not get away with it, 'cause your urine would turn red, and it would form this red ring around you, so everyone would look at you in disgrace!! I went on to believe it for many years to come, and always refrained from doing so!

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I used to believe that if I urinated in our pool the water would turn red. My father made me believe it, telling me there was a special chemical in the pool-system which could detect urine. I plan to use this method on my own kids as well.

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I used to believe that if you pee'd in a public pool that a red ring would appear around you and embarrass you.

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When I was little, one of my mamma's friends had a swimming pool. Before getting in, she always told us that they had a chemical in the pool that made the water turn red if you peed in it. I believed her and it made me very paranoid. I guess it was just her way of making sure we didn't pee in the pool.

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I was told that if you urinated in the public swimming pool that there was a special chemical added to the pool water that would go red around you, so that everyone would know.

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When I was younger my parents would tell me that if I peed in the pool it would rise to the top and spell out my name.

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My parents use to tell all the neighbourhood children that if they did a wee in the pool it would go red and a trail would follow them and everyone would know and for affect my dad would sometimes put food coloring in - the children never did a wee!

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My neighbors got a brand new pool one year and we all went over to swim. Before we got in the dad came over and told us "Now, we put a special liquid in the water that turns colors if you go pee in the pool, so don't pee in the pool or we will all know you did it."

I didn't believe him... not completely, but I never peed in his pool either.

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We had friends that had a swimming pool and to prevent our son from peeing in it we told him there was a chemical that would turn the water purple if indeed he did pee in it. He was in and out of the pool quite often going in the bushes!

Lisa from Illinois
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