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when I was young I thought like the days of the week your birthday would change so being born say the 14th next year it would be on the 15th.

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I used to believe that you would only ever grow on your birthday, so on the morning of my sixth birthday I was very dissapointed to find that I was approximately the same height as the day before. I had expected to be at least a foot taller.

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i used to think that if i didn't celebrate my birthday each year my younger sister would catch up with me

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When I was little my aunt told me that my birthday was a national holiday and everyone celebrated my birthday. I believed her.

Christina T
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My birthday is April 2nd and every year on April fools day my dad used to tell me the government had cancelled the next day so I couldn't have a birthday and I used to think "parents wouldn't lie about something that important!" Somehow I have made it to 25 regardless of this.

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When I was little I used to think that our parents could pick out any day and that would be their kids birthday. I was so mad at my mum because she didn't pick Christmas day to be my birthday. I finally realised what it really meant when I was 6.

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When I was little I used to always have my birthday parties on my actual birthday. One year, to trick me a couple of days before my birthday (and party) my mom said that my birthday wasn't on the 11th of November but the 12th. when I went to school that day I told everyone who was coming to my party that we got the dates wrong and they were all to come the day after. Well, needless to say, my mom didn't trick me after that!

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When i was about to turn 5, i was also about to start kindergarten. i knew that my mom always said that when i was 5 i would go to school, so i thought that if i never turned 5 i would never have to go to school. So, i asked my mom to cancel my fifth birthday (which i thought was possible). i thought that if i never had a birthday party i would just stay 4 forever! my mom made up for it by giving me a really fun party, we went to a gymnasium and it was pretty cool.

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My brother told me I was the devils child because I was born on Halloween and later on I would grow horns and a tail. I believed for a week.

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My friend thought it was SO WIERD that he was born on his birthday when I told him he was.

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When I was little I used to think that You changed your name every birthday, So I used to go Threw my moms baby name book and pick out a name and tell my mom 'I want this one for my next birthday'

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When we would go to resturants for my birthday, and the end all the waiters would come out with balloons and a sundae and sing. I was amazed by this, and thought every restraunt in the world had my birthday marked on a special calendar in the kitchen. I suppose it never occured to me that my dad was telling them. I thought I was royalty or something.

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At school we had a display board to show everyone's birthdays in the class (it was a picture of a train and you all had to draw a pic of yourself to stick on it). I was devasted when my teacher said that mine was on May 11th cos that was the date it had been on the year before! I thought you could choose and that my rights as a child had een totally violated!!! LOL!

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whenever i was small and my birthday came around...my mom would say "your birthdays just around the corner!" we lived close to a corner and i would picture the whole sesame street crew and that one guy with the blue shirt and he was holding a cake and they were all marching. whenever we were coming home i would always check to see if the sesame street gang were waiting there for me.

sesame street
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When I was five I had an argument with my uncle...his birthday is in July, mine is in November. I tried to convince him that my birthday came first in the year because mine was in the beginning of the school year-he had to wait until summer (when school was over) for his...

lawyer @ 5
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My sister was a year older than me. At some point (probably when I was 3, she 4), I told my mom that I wouldn't wait until next year, when I would get a chance to be a girl and see what it was like.

Scott Forschler
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When I was little I got so mad because I was making a sign that said "Happy Birthday Katie" and my dad said that birthday was spelled birth day like on the day you were born.I got so mad that I started screaming and crying all because "birthday" was spelled "birth day". haha

a person
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When I was little I didn't really understand the concept of a 'Birthday'. I knew it happened once a year but I didn't think it had a set date so every year i'd ask my mum what day my birthday was on.

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i used to think that right on my birthday when i turned 5 i would beable to read... so on my b-day i tried to read and needless to say i was incredibly dissapointed and cried for the longest time on my birthday.

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I was born on the fourth of July, so every year when towns would shoot of fireworks for independence day I would think that everyone was shooting fireworks off to celebrate my birthday.

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