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I was on the Bozo the Clown show once. When I saw him in person I could see the line where the cap that held his fake hair met his face. To me it looked like his head was cracked and I was so afraid that it would break open and all his brains would spill out. I sat in terror during the entire show.

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When my boyfriend was a kid, he used to believe that clowns constituted a race of their own. He believed that clowns had clown parents and clown children. So cute!

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When I was 6, I saw a clown on TV. I believed that clowns were a separate species and they wore that make up all the time. I always wondered why i never saw clowns at walmart or anywhere like that.

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I used to think that clowns were a species, like some kind of animals. It wasn't til i was five that i realized they were just people. :o)

b p <3
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On my 4th birthday, my mom had a clown come and do magic tricks. He put a fake thumb on my mom's hand and pretended to cut it off. I thought he really did cut it off and I started sobbing.

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I was convinced that Ronald McDonald was the only clown who was blessed with the mutant X-Men gift of fluent speech... thus he had to represent the whole existence of clowndom and therefore he was deemed the most respected and greatest, richest clown ever. He was livin it up in what I envisioned, a "Ronald" ranch with golden statues dedicated to himself, french fry fountains and an arched throne that he sat on.
(He also had a playland as big as Disney World and a ball pen as big as an Olympic pool.)

I would envy his clown children....................

I have a big imagination.

I was also upset when I wanted a happy meal... he didn't pop up and give me one.

But if that were true... I'm sure I'd be one tubby kid. But at the time, I'd think that Ronald's kids would eat happy meals all the time... gosh they must be HUGE, I would think...

I was weird...

Happy Meals kill.
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I used to think that clowns were a species separate from humans. They looked a lot like humans, but their faces were pure white with huge red lips and round red noses, and they wore weird clothes and couldn't talk. They lived far far away. At friends' birthday parties and the like, whenever there was a clown, I would go up to them to determine whether they were a "real" clown or not. I would always find that they were just people wearing makeup, and I would become very disappointed. I'd go up to the clown and say "you're not really a clown. That's just makeup." I think this confused them a lot.

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After watching Stephen King's "It" when I was about 12, I used to cover up our air vents and plug the tub drain whenever I was in the bathroom. I was so afraid that the clown would come and get me.

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when I was younger I watched Steven Kings 'IT' It asolutely terrified me and I was scared to go anywhere be myself, was terrified of clowns and sill to this day hate them, I cut the word 'it' out of my vocabulary and refused to walk over drains in case it pulled me down. Not long ago I saw the film in the video shop and decided to watch it to find out what had terrified me so much. It made me laugh, I didnt think it was scary at all, Its funny what can scare you when your'e young!

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When I was about 6, I was convinced that a killer clown lived in my bathroom. Every time I would need to go, I would have to check behind the door and shower curtain, under the sink, and in the hamper.

Terrified of Clowns
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When I was little, I saw Steven King's 'IT'. Oddly enough, it didn't scare me. I asked my dad if Pennywise and Ronald McDonald were related, and he said yes.

A few days later my parents and I went to McDonalds and a guy dressed like Ronald was there. I went up to him and asked if he was ashamed at having a psychotic murderer for a brother. He just looked at me and went "...Huh?"

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Clowns were born like that

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I used to believe that clowns lived at the circus, until I was 10.

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When I was about 5 I had this crazy fear of clowns. I thought that clowns would come into my room and eat me. So every night I locked my door and had a pie over my bed. (For a few days before everyone started noticing the stench)

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I am absolutely terrified of clowns. My sister gave me one when I was about12 and it used to laugh by itself!! After that I was already scared when I saw the movie IT ....I will be 30years old next month and still cannot see one without completely freaking out and running and screaming.

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I found a picture in a magazine at my grandma's of the graduating class at Clown University. I cut that picture out, carried it around with me everyday, and hoped that one day, I too, could attend clown school.

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I used to believe that clowns were some type of derformed human with wierd skin color. I thought that some human found Clown Country (where the clowns lived) and brought them to Anerica to entertain us. I also thought in Clown Country there was a state called Clown, i mean where else would Clown College come from??????? i kno wierd but if my boyfriend likes me that way!

you kno me you love me im maris! the girl who fears clowns
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When I was a child I used to be afraid of clowns because they used to have very big shoes

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My dad dressed up for my 4th birthday party as a clown. From that day on for about 5 months, I was scared to go near my dad because I thought he was born a clown. To this day I am still afraid of clowns

Erin H.
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I met Ronald McDonald when I was seven and asked him how old he was. He told me to count his stripes and that he gets a new stripe every year. He gave me an autographed photo and tried to count his stripes, but I couldn't see them all.

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