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I thought clowns that had “X” over their eyes while they performed were supposed to be zombie clowns. I remember seeing one on a news report at Applebees in Salinas and being baffled.

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When I was a child I used to think that killer clowns were a thing that applied to any clown I saw.
My fear of clowns came for the first time when my dad made me look at the teaser for the first "IT" film and since that day I have been scared of them.
It was at the nearest halloween from when my dad showed me the teaser for the "IT" film, i was at my mom's house and I was getting ready in my room to go out in my skeleton outfit, when suddenly two huge clown entered my room I got so scared I started crying so much that the clown removed their mask and it was my brother and dad i stopped crying when I saw it was them but because of that im still scared of clown even now and i can't stand looking at one and it was still pretty funny to look at them getting lectured by mom.

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I used to believe that the heat coming from the heater was the breath of an evil clown, and that if I went anywhere neat the heater, he'd pull me down and eat my arms.

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I used to think that if you were born with a birth defect then you were forced to join the circus when you turned 12.

Erin H.
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when i was younger i asked my mom why was the moon always following the car at night and then she told me that a clown use to drive it around and chase me

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I had trouble sleeping until i was 9 because i thought there were evil black and white unhappy clowns at the end of my bed and if i put my feet down near them they would make me there evil slave so i curled up in a ball every night

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I used to believe that clowns were a different species, born with their faces like that.

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i used to think that clowns were one of the nicest people on the earth. I considered them as like another race. When i was observing a clown painting a kids faces, I heard it say s**t. I was so devested because clowns were the only nice people i knew, and i thought a clown would never say something like that. I then became cynical for a while. then i relised that clown were people in make-up and costume, so i thought they should be ashamed of being something, that they are not.

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I used to believe that the clown from poltergist was really under my bed and used to call my mom to come get me outta bed in the mornings! I wouldn't even get up to pee in the middle of the night causing me to pee the bed! I STILL HATE CLOWNS!

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I used to believe that the clowns were monsters, maybe it was for the movies that i watched when i was child but I was afraid to the clowns, on children's parties, on TV, at the circus when I saw a clown I started to cry. it was funny because clowns make you laugh but they gave me a lot of scare. After that when I grew up I found silly this fear and now remember this is funny.

Nicolas Carrillo
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i thought clowns were people born with chalky white faces and red on their mouths. I also believed that they had feet as big as their shoes. I was wierd. And because of my foot belief, everytime i met a clown i would step on the shoe to see if he had feet that big. No wonder he never screamed owww.

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I watched "Poltergeist" when I was eight, and was scared a clown was going to strangle me just before I went to sleep.

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Back when I was in preschool we had a man called "Bob the Clown" come to "entertain" us one day. Well, the man was cynical and probably a psycho. He would pick kids to come up and would be mean to them and mess with them. The adults were all fine with this. Finally he called me up. He picked me up and spun me around. Eventually he put me down but when he picked me up I believed he was gonna put me in his massive pants and take me home to eat me. I still hate clowns. <(@_@)>

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i hate clowns ever since ive seen IT i saw it when i was 4 so i used to think when i took a shower IT's hand would come out and grab my foot and pull me down so i only took baths for some time then my mom told me that the clowns not real

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When I was young, I used to believe that clowns evil existed. I used to be scared of them.One day,I celebrated Halloween with my friends and we went in the street to ask for candys. It was the night and we were alone. I saw which was big and very evil. I ran and was so afraid. I cried and cracked at came back in the house of unknow people. Today, I don't celebrate Halloween any more.

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when i was little i saw a movie and in most movies theres a bad guy, well the bad guy in this movie was a clown. so when mum brought a clown around for my birthday i ran out of the room screaming and crying thinking that he would kill me!!

i still think clowns are creepy!!

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i used to believe that clowns weren't human and that they were a completely different race.

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When I was little I saw the movie IT. I wouldn't go to the bathroom, or take a shower alone because I thought a clown would come through the water and eat me. Since then I've been afraid of clowns.

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When I was about 5 or 6 I used to think that clown with spider legs will come from the bathroom and eat me. What caused that fear was that movie I watched (can't remember the name of the movie),which was so real,that even today I'm a little scared of clowns. They look kinda scary, don't they?

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i used to think all clowns were named emmett like the staues, I couodn't beleive that they didnt want to come home and have a meal. I had them confused with the homeless and my mother often got upset about me trying to invite clowns to come to our house and eat.

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