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Anon is a person's name

This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: Anon is a person's name. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to names.

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I used to get the words anonymous and unanimous confused. So whenever they said something on the news like "The senate made a unanimous vote today against the _________ bill...." i thought " well duh its unanimous.... no ones supposed to know how you in particular voted...."

The sad thing is that most people consider me above average in spelling and comprehension and stuff like that........

@;}- Fimbrethil :-B
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I used to see lot of quotes from Anonymous, and I used to think that this Anonymous fellow must have been a great scholar.

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In 6th grade my teacher would put quotes on the board for us to copy down, and many of them were by "Anon." I figured he must have been a really great philosopher or something, but I didn't ask who he was because I didn't want to appear uneducated.

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Up until a couple of days ago, I thought, like most of you all guys, that 'Anon' was an actual person...pronounces A-non. I was thinking "Geez! He posts here alot on thr Sex-sex board!" (I was there when I kept seeing that 'name') I also noticed in some beliefs Anon says he is a boy, and in others, a girl...I got con-foosed! Then I got the idea that he was making up all these very funny beliefs.

I'm shmart!

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i thought anon was some crazy, genderless person who had a very umm *interesting* childhood. which could be explained by all the stories about its parents childhood. and to think i passed english.

anon-cause im stupid
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when i was reading things on this site, i was quite surprised at how Anon didnt know much when they were little. then i realized, Anon sometimes implied they were a boy, then a girl, and all kinds of stuff like that. i also thought that Anon was over-submitting...he/she was on everything!! haha. i realized it after a little bit, than i saw this section. how funny :)

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i thought anon was a person. but i now know that it isn't its just a catagory. but i have no idae wut anon means.

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I used to think adult swogging night (this may only be called this in the UK)at the swimming pool was something naughty!

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Like alot of you,I used to believe (until like 5 seconds ago when I found this category)That Anon was some psycho who had nothing better to do but post stories. Now I know why some of the stories contradicted one another haha.

Anon cuz I know its not anyone's name now
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i used to think anon was a person just intil i read this

stephen s
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When I first visited this website, I thought that 'Anon' was an enthusiastic fan who had alot of weird beliefs. I am so weird.

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I have always thought that this site was hilarious. One day I was looking through the media section and i saw to people who were anon (anonamous) right next to eachother. I immediatly told my friend because they were from an adult male and a young girl's perspective. I thought it was funny until one day i stumbled upon the anon section and saw listings from other idiots like me.

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I am shocked at this moment to find out that Anon is not a real person. In my planner it had funny quotes from anon and i used to say "boy that anon sure is funny". I feel so dumb. but i would like to thank you iusedtobelieve.com for telling me that anon means anonymous and is not a real person.

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Wow, until a couple second ago I thought Anon was one person! When I saw a post by them I was so confused whether it was a guy or a girl as they contradicted themself so many times. Well, nice to know it isn't one crazy person.

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I thought that Anon was a very famous writer.

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I, too, fell victim into thinking this 'Anon' was someone mass-posting on this site, in so many different catergories... v.v ...

My, how easily one may be fooled..

Panda T.
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I didn't realize until I read the Anon section that Anon was anonomous! i would get really ticked off that anon was sending in all these loads of stuff. then, i realized that anon wasn't a person, but a bunch! Boy am i dumb! :D

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I used to believe that one day Anon
would stop making up stories to be in the news letter every month. Now I know this just wont happen.

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Someone else has this belief too, im 22 and recently found ot about this web site, i thought Anon was a seriously schizophrenic person who sent in loads of his/her childhood beiefs...ehm

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well you know how on this website when you post a belief, you don't have to put your name and your name just shows up as "Anon" (short for anonymous i suppose). well, i was reading these funny beliefs and i was like, "woah, this person, Anon, keeps submitting a lot of beliefs. they used to believe a lot of strange things, huh." and then one of the beliefs said that she was French, and i was like, "wow, i didnt know Anon was a french name." and then it came to me...Anon is Anonymous!

the real "anon"
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