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Anon is a person's name

This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: Anon is a person's name. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to names.

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Until just now I thought Anon was some guy who was crazily addicted to this site. When I went to the language section, I was wondering why there was a section about this "Anon" guy... until I found out it means anonymous.

Anon- Cause I know what it means now
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I used to believe as of a couple moments ago that 'Anon' was an actual person. I didn't realize it stood for 'Anonymous'. Wow...

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i thought anon was a person. but i now know that it isn't its just a catagory. but i have no idae wut anon means.

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Once, WAAAAAAAAAY back when I was little, I was at this site where people submitted their childhood beliefs, and I came to the conclusion that some one named Anon had some serious issues.

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this one time about oooh idno 5 minutes ago i reading thru the categories and i was like dang anon goes on here ALOT!! then i realized that anon coodnt be this addicted to the site it must stand for sumthing....

anon lol
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I Know what anonomus ,means the auther is not known, but when i saw "anon" iu thought: "ok, he's the owner of the site" THEN i saw the "anon section. I thiught: "HEY! why does he get a sections! what is there to belive about him!" then i saw that anon ment anonomus.

ps. where is that section? maybe it was too spucipic.

I'm not Mr. Anon!
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i used to think anon was a person just intil i read this

stephen s
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when i first came on this site i keept reading the belives for anon so i asked my mom what it ment and so it means anonumes so anon if u get this belive ask ur parents y they named u that!!! :P

emily :P
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