i used to believe

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when i was little i had a friend named Jebrel. i could never pronounce his name; i always called him gerbil. :S

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When my sister and I were kids, we couldn't say Lillian, so we called our aunt, Aunt Little. I just thought it was because she was short.

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My fathers name is the first part of his surname and so my little brother always thought that his surname was the last part of our actual surname

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i have an uncle bob in my family and my mom would always tell me that when i was really little i would call him ub-bob. no idea where that came from but yea

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My friend used to believe she had two names : iza belka (belka means beam). in fact her name is izabelka (english elizabeth)

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i used to believe that when two people got married, they just invented their last name from whatever syllables sounded good to them. first names sounded normal to me; last names were so odd.

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i used to believe that people were related by their first names...my grandp, ungle, and my cousin's names were Ernie, my dad and my brother's names were Todd, and my unlce and cousin's names were Sam. They were all on my mom's side of the family, thus they had different last names. Now you can see why I was so confused as a kid....

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My name is Alexandra and when i was little i thought that to spell the male version of my name (Alexander) i just had to drop the A at the end.

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I've been told as a small child (about 4 or 5) that I thought "Lather" was the most beautiful name. I don't know why, I don't remember it but I apparently gave one of my favorite dolls that name. I also loved Cornelius for a girl, I was a weird kid...

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I used to think that the HON. (for example, HON. Judge Smith) meant honey. I couldn't figure out why judges seemed to be in such bad moods all the time when they had 'honey' right in their name.

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I use to call myself Sarah A Little bit Bist in stead or Sarah Elisabeth Bist

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I used to believe people's names changed as they got older. You know, I just couldn't picture a baby named Myrtle or George - I just thought as you got older, your name changed to suit your age. And I distinctly remember asking my mom one morning if my baby sister's name was still Christine. She must've thought I was nuts.

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When I was born, my parent's never gave me a middle name. When I asked my parents why, they'd tell me it was because we were poor and that it cost extra to have a middle name. Then when I was 15 and I met my (then) boyfriend's parents, they asked my what my middle name was. I explained to them that I didn't have one. They asked "why?" I told them it was because my parents couldn't afford one. They explained back to me that they thought that was very odd, because they didn't have much money when they had kids, and that they didn't have to pay extra for their kids' middle names. I had FINALLY figured out after all those years my parents had me fooled.

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I used to think that Alex Trebek's name was Jeapoardy.

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Thought Netanyahu was really Benjamin Nathan Yahoo and I thought that was just the coolest name ever.......I guess I had just heard it and had never seen it written

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my friend thought the man in the chip shop on Frank Street must logically be called Frank!....otherwise how could it be Frank St chip shop?!

Paula Alcock
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I used to believe that, since my last name was law, terms such as "mother-in-law" only applied to my family. So for instace if someone's last name was smith I thought it would be "father-in-smith" or "sister-in-smith".

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When I was a little girl I thought that people with the same first name were related.

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Both my parents coincidentally have the same last names, so when I was little, I always thought that you can only marry people with the same last names. i.e. your brothers/sisters...

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A friend and I had the same name, but mine was spelled "Sara", and hers was "Sarah." I thought that my name was better because it didn't have the "h" and I kept prenouncing my friend's name Sara-HUH because I didn't know the "h" was silent.

Sara, not Sarah
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