i used to believe

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My mom's last name starts with an N, but because of her Southern drawl, folks hearing her spell it out sometimes think that N is an M. So to clear up confusion, my mom always started spelling her name by saying "N as in Nancy..." Only, I was confused, and decided that my mom's middle name was really Enasinantsy. I named my teddy bear Enasinantsy after my mom, too.

Sister Amanda
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When I was younger, I thougt that Benadryl was only for my brother, whose name is Ben. I thought that if any other person took it, they'd turn into my brother. Imagine my horror when my mother tried to give me a spoonful one day..!

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top belief!

My older brother's nameis Michael and we call him Mike for short. So when I asked my mom what the fat thing plugged into the wall with a door was, she answered, "That's a microwave." I was heartbroken, and angry that my brother had a kitchen appliance named after him but I didn't!

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I thought a teacher's last name was their first name. Since my teacher's names were, Mrs. Zen, Mrs. Murry, and Mrs. Francis I thought their names were in fact, Zen, Murry, and Francis.
I concluded Mrs. Francis had the only normal parents.

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top belief!

I thought it was illegal to call your parents by their real name. One day I even tested it out to see if I'd get arrested, "KELLY!" I shouted for my mom and then ran to my room crying.

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I thought I was the only person in the world with the name Josie and if anyone else was named Josie they'd get arrested. One day while going to the bank with my mom I heard a man calling his little girl, "Josie come here!" I quickly ran up and corrected him.. "You change her name right now or she's going to jail and it will be all your fault!" My mother grabbed me, apologized and we were sent home. I thought this was because they wanted to clear out the bank before they arrested the little girl. Then one day I was told otherwise when I asked my mother if I can apologize for getting her put in jail. Boy, was I disappointed..

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I used to think that there was a Momma Wheelie because I'd always heard of Poppa Wheelie.
(Pop a wheelie}

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My Mom used to believe that there was a woman named Mrs. Sippy.

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When I was little, I used to believe that my name was "Mico," even though I knew it was spelled Michael. I got this idea from the Nickoloden game show, GUTs that was hosted by "Mico Malley" (Mike O'Malley) After that I thought that "micowaves" (microwaves) and "mico machines" (Micro Machines) were named after me.

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I once made my little cousin believe that his name used to be "Ajabar" and they changed it to John when he was too. He then ran to his mom yelling "Mommy, I want my name to be "Ajabar" again!"

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top belief!

my father's name is mike. as it happens, two of my uncles and my cousin are also called mike. when i was really little i asssumed that 'mike' meant 'man' and would call surprised shop-keepers and random strangers 'mike'

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I used to think that all people who were called "John" were actually named "Jonathan" and "John" was just the shortened form of the name. Same thing with "Chris" and "Christopher", as well as "Alex" and "Alexander".

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When William Kennedy Smith was on trial for rape in Florida I didn't understand how he was related to the Kennedys and could be a first cousin to JFK, Jr. I knew that Kennedy was his middle name, but I didn't realize until later on that many individuals are named for their mother's family. Dr. Smith's mom is Jean Kennedy-hence his middle name Kennedy.

I also still confuse Mary Wollstonecraft and her daughter Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley since their names are so similar. At one time I thought that they were the same person.

Diane Windsor
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I used to believe that when people said '...and so and so' or 'so and so did this..' I thought 'so and so' was a real person called Soanso, and I used go around the playground asking if anyone had seen Soanso!

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top belief!

When I was little, I believed that every person with the same name had to look exactly alike. Example: Every Michael looked alike, every Jane looked alike.. you get the idea. Kind of like how all the different kinds of Barbies, Kens, etc. all look alike. I met another Samantha and she didn't look anything like me. I made her cry because I told her she was a "Samantha Imposter" and that there was no way that could possibly be her real name. Whoops.

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when i was 6 i had a friend that lived next door. His name was Juan..but i called him one...because of his accent thats what i thought he said, and i never heard the name juan before.

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top belief!

When he was about 2, my brother was convinced that our little sisters name was "Her", because people were always sayingto him "Jack, leave her alone", or "Jack, let her sleep" and the like.

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I used to believe that your name made you look the way you did. I dont know where I got that...

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top belief!

I worked for a daycare watching the 2 and 3 year olds and one day I had a little boy and a little girl. The little girl, Diamond, her mother came to pick her up in the middle of nap time. When the little boy woke up, realizing that Diamond was gone, ran up to me and asked where Diamond was. I told him that her mommy came to pick her up. The with the most innocent eyes he looked up at me and said, "but Miss Sara, the man on tv said that Diamonds are forever."

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When i was a baby, my parents called me weezer. This nickname stuck with me, but was not used very much. My dad eventally evolved the nickname into "Louise" which my dad used every once in a while. I went till the time i was about 7 thinking my middle name was louise, thinking that it had to be a middle name. My real middle name is Alan.

Jason Alan White
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