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When I was young I asked my mom when I would change my name for a grown-up name. I was convinced that we were given a "child name" and that when we would grow, we would change name for an "adult name" like Rita or Gertrude.

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When I was younger, I used to believe that my mom's name was Mommy. I had no idea that she had a real name like I did :-p

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In gradeschool I had a friend named Renee. For about five months I thought her name was Grenade. My mom said, "are you sure it's not Renee?" I told her, "No, it's Grenade." and she looked at my dad with a knowing smile.

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When I was about 5 years old I remember hearing the name "Pat Buchanan" on the news a lot, but it never occured to me that "Pat" could be a man's name. I always heard it (and still sometimes think of him as) "Patthew Cannon."

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i thought that when you were a grownup you changed you name, because old people had weird names.

like all my friends names were "sarah" and "chris" etc, but all the grownups had weird names like 'hilda" and "lily" so i thought you changed it when you got older to make it more "adult"

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My grandmother completely convinced her little brother that he was adopted because his name didn't end in a y-sound like the rest of their family's names did. He never told their parents, but still worried years later that he really was adopted.

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When I was very young (3 or 4 I think), I was led to believe by my Dad that my last name was from an ancient indian word. I held this belief until I was around 9 or 10 and shared this information with some of my friend. They laughed so hard they cried. I said "come with me" and took them to see my dad. After telling my dad about it, he started busting out laughing as well. Apparently he was joking with me and never thought that I'd retain that information. I was humiliated, but luckily I had good friends that didn't give me too hard of a time about it. :)

I think that incident is the root of my cynical nature. ;)

Rick B.
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When I was younger, I used to believe my name was "Kaychris". Whenever we would go out, my mom would say to me. "K Chris, lets go"

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Our pediatrian was named Dr. Woodhead. I remember my brother and I (under 7 years old) were horrified and scared that our doctor had a wooden head. It took my mom a while to explain the concept of a last name!

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When I was about 3, our neighbor had a baby. Her son, who was my age, ran over to us and told us that his mom had a girl. Well, my parents asked him what her name was. He said "Banana Gold". Of course, my parents were completely baffled about why the baby was named Banana Gold. They spent a while figuring out what Kevin really meant. It turned out that the baby's name was Amanda Nicole.

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My Friend learned when she was little that Gym was short for gymnasium. For the longest time she thought her dad's name was Gymnasium because his name was Jim. He even told her his name was James but she still wouln't believe him and called him Gymnasium.

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When I looked in the Chicago phone book and found all kinds of people with first names like Jas, Thos and Chas, I asked my Mom how come we didn't know anybody with those names. ... That's when I learned about abbreviations.

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When I was young, I asked my mother why she didn't have a middle name. She told me that her family was poor and couldn't afford one. I figured that parents paid for each letter on the birth certificate... my mother still loves to confuse me.

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I used to believe there was a girl named "Alyssa Naimes" because on the announcements one morning they said "A LIST OF NAMES will be hung on the bulletin board." I ran down to the bulletin board because i thought they hung a girl on it!

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I used to think that poly anna was a person

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When I was about 5 my older sister came home and she had to analyse the poem "The Raven" since that was my name I thought it was dedicated to me. I told all the kids at school how I had a poem written especially for me. That was until I met another girl named Raven.....

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My name is Aline and when I was younger my brother had a poster of an Alien on the wall and under it it had the word Alien written on it. I thought that was my name and for quite awhile and I was secretly an Alien spy on a mission to take over the world. I remember I used to try to contact my planet by running around outside with a paper sign I made. They never did come back for me......:(

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My son, now 10 just found out today that he is not a nut, he thought that there was a kind of nut called macaDAMIAN nuts... cute.

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When I was little I used to think that people named Candy would give you candy if you talked to them.

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when I was in kindergarten a girl I knew told me that she could only be my friend if I was a christian. Never having heard the term before I asked her what a christian was. She told me that a christian is someone who has the same middle name as their mom. Since my mom and I share the same middle name, I decided that I must be a christian and that the girl and I would be friends.

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