i used to believe

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My niece publicly chastised her mother church one day for introducing her to someone named Dick, much to the embarrassment of her mother and the gentleman. My niece thought her mother was referring to the man by the slang term for male genitalia, not realizing that it is an actual name.

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I was 15 when my youngest brother was born. When he was 3, by sheer coincidence the milkman, the garbage man,the guy who ran the deli, and the dry cleaner man were all named George. David got the idea that all male strangers were named "George" (as in "The George at the ice cream store gave me a cookie.") The rest of us kids thought it was funny, and for years we addressed all unintroduced males as "George". You'd be surprised how many men will happily answer to George!

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There's a popular book in Poland called "Mr. Kleks Academy". It's a bit Potter-ish to say the truth: the Professor, Mr. Kleks teaches his young and eager students how to fly a carpet or understand the speech of dogs. When I was young I desperately wanted to attend the school some day. Unfortunately, only those whose name started with "A" had a chance to take part in this ecceptional educational adventure.

My parents gave me the name of Michael. At six, it caused me to fall apart from them a little :)

Now, when I'm 19 I come to realise that I shouldn't have quarelled with them... My second name is Antony :)

Mike, Poland
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I used to believe that Walt Disney was "Walk Disney". I imagined him spending his entie day walking up and down the sidewalks of Disneyland.

Jessica Tinch
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Both my brother and I used to think that T-Roy was the coolest name you could have. We used to fight over it constantly whenever we pretended to be someone else.

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when I was 4 I didn't want to come down to see my dads friend because his name was Barney and I thought he was dinosaur

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My name is Mira. People used to say "Mirror Mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?" to me and I always thought they wanted to hang me on a wall because I was pretty or cute or something!!!

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WHEN I WAS 7 years i wanded why kids had names like barny who would name there kid after a t.v. show with a big dinosor thats puple and green with spots!!!!!! then i thought maybe they just loved the name barny?

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When I was little I used to think that if your name was Christian that you were somehow more religious and spiritual than everyone else. You were "special". If your name was Christian, then you were related to God and you knew things that no one else did. Why else would you be named after a religion if you weren't related to God? Christian was a pretty popular name in my area. When my sister brought home a friend named Christy, I thought it was short for Christian and that she was going to spy on me and tell God all the bad things I did.

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i used 2 think dat if ur name was molly you grew up to hav lots of moles, but then i saw this person named molly who had no moles

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I use to beleive my name was damn-it...Damn-it ! Get over here ! My father never used my real name.

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I used to think I was the only person in the world with the name Jessica Pauley and the initials JP. When Jurassic Park came out, I thought it was so neat that we had the same initials!

Jessica Pauley Aspra
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i thought that since my dr's name was "Dr. Washer" that meant my nurse's name was "Dryer" ... i know, its sad

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My parents had a grouchy friend named Don. So when I discovered that my middle name was Dawnielle, I thought I was named after him and that it was spelled D-O-N-Y-E-L-L.

Sony full of Bologna
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I used to have really long hair, so when I finally decided to get in cut in 3rd grade, I was told that the girl that would cut my hair's name was Cindy. My mother had a horse named Cindy, and I pictured the horse in a cape behind me cutting my hair.

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i never understood how/why each culture had such different types of names. i asked my mom how people come up with such unusual names for their children and she said each culture has their own technique....for example the chinese drop a frying pan on the ground and whatever sound it makes is the name of the child.

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When I was young, I couldn't pronounce my name (Kariia Miyamoto), and I had bad hearing. I don't now, but I thought I was "Tortilla Monkeymotor".


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My sister used to beieve that when you become a "grown up" you change your name to an adult name. This was because adult names were like Helen or Richard and kid names were like Daniel and Nicole.

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One Halloween when I was about 3, I was really afraid of all the trick or treaters comming to our door. My mom thought she could make everything better for me by explaining to me that all the monsters were just coming to get candy. I was terrified and ran to hid under my bed. It took her a little while to figure out I was so scared because my name is Candy and she had told me they were coming to get "candy".

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i used to think that if you had identical twins, you would give them the same first name.

of course, any identical twins i met were the exeption to that rule..

anastacia beeverhousen
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