i used to believe

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I once asked my mam how she chose my name and she said that God came down to her and told her what to call me (a bit like jesus!)she even told me to phone my godmother who was very religious at that time and for some reason she agreed with my mam!I was very confused at this and worried in case when i had kids god gave them a name i didnt like!!i believed this until i was about 7!!

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My older brother's name is Dan and mine is Sam, so when my father would address me, he would usually say, "Damn!, er Da, Sam whatever your name is!" It was pretty confusing, especially when he got mad when I said, "Damn!" I mean what was wrong with saying my own name?

Damn- er Sam
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i used to think the term "tom"-boy could be changed to any name you want. i still remember when i was 7, and my friend said she thinks she's a tom boy, i turned to her and said "oh..well, i'm a William-boy!"

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when I was little I ask my dad what my name was. Just to be funny he gave me a boy name (i am a girl of course!) he said it was fred! so when i went to kindergarden i told everyone i was fred. people stil, call me that today! ha

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My son watches Clifford the big Red Dog, and there is a dog on there named Jorge. (it is pronounced Hor-hey) And there is also a baseball player named Jorge Pasdada. He wantedo write that name out one day (Jorge) because it was "so cool." he wrote: "Hoarhay"-he thought it meant that the hoar was its daddy and the hay was its mommy.

daniels mom
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When I was little whenever my mom got mad at me, she used to call me Alexa Q and so I believed that my middle name was Q up until 3rd grade when I had to take the SAT test and i put in for my middle name Q. I was a little dork.

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My son's name is Christopher. On standardized tests, his name was shortened to Christ. One day he asked if he was going to be God when he grew up.

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my dad's name is William Gene and my brother name is William S. So everybody called my dad Gene so you can imagine me as a child being very confused because I thought my dad's name was DAD not Gene. when people called the house and would say "Yes is Gene there"? I would say "NO"! Come to think of it my poor dad missed alot of important calls when I was small lol.

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When I was very, very young I thought that when you grew up you were given an "adult name." I spent a long time wondering what name I would be given (Elizabeth sounded so childish) and was actually a bit afraid of getting a scary adult one like my mother's (Harriet).

I eventually worked up the courage to ask my mother about it. Her reply boggled my mind.

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I used to believe that only one person could have each name, and so I was the only Rachel in the world. Then one day we were at McDonalds and I overheard a lady calling her daughter Rachel. I was heartbroken.

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When I was about... 7 or 8 I wanted to be a cartoonist. So I made a cartoon with monsters in it and I called them the "Its" cause their names where Kits, Bits, Rits, Dits, and yes, even Tits. Tits was a boy.
Momma didn't like him.
I also learned what Tits where.

Sarah B
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The boy in my class named "Sahand" must have a sister named "Safoot".

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I used to believe that the rapper Eminem's name was spelled M&M and anyone named Juan was spelled one.

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When i was at playschool, everyone used to call me 'Lizzie' and i never knew why, but for some starnge reason i used to think they called me Lizzie, as i had a freckle on my knee!!

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I used to think that my family was in the witness protection program because my brother and my names were so boring (Nicholas and Amanda).

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This was a few years ago, but.. anyway. My niece had just come home from pre-school and was telling myself and my mom about her friend "rizzerbeff". My mom and I were completely stumped. WE thought her friend's name was "Lizard Breath". "Rrrriiiizzzzzzzzerbefffffff" my niece said, slowly, so maybe we'd catch on. All the while, my dad was chuckling as he was listening. He leans down "sam, was her name Elizabeth?" and my niece immidiatly starts nodding "yeah papa, rizzerbeff". We still laugh whe we talk about that, only my niece gets kinda mad....oh well..:P

Rizzerbeff, the Lizard Breath
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I used to believe that my middle name was Goofy, even though it's actually Margaret.

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When I was little my sister used to love Mary-Kate and Ashley. But for some reason I always thought it was Mary, Kate, and Ashley, three people. And it didn't help when they came out with the mystery books and movies, because they always had that dog, Clue with them so I thought the dog was Mary.

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i 8sed to believe to believe that lesibians were normal people with silly names i used to believe my mum was one as she was called Gurtrude

James Martin 7BM
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I used to believe that everyone had my last name and only their first names were different.

I also believed that when I got old, I would develop the same foreign accents that my grandparents had.

Judy Goldsmith
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