i used to believe

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I used to have a friend named Jose, I thought that his name was spelled as Hosey

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I used to have a Mexican friend named Jorge. I swear that his friends would call him "Whore Hey."

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I used to believe that my name meant tongue. strange? I think so

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i was totally shocked when i heard some kids saying "nanny,nanny poo,poo you can not catch me". i was like "how do they know my name and why do they want me to catch them,i have never ever seen them before?"i then started yelling at them thinking that they were teasing me.now some people call me poopi instead of nainie.

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When I was little I used to think that Charity was a woman who wanted everything for herself. I always thought it was weird that people kept giving things away to Charity when she already had all this stuff!

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My gradma has a sister named Bernice, who is called Bunny for short. As a child, I did not understand that Bunny could be a name. I thought it must have something to do with rabbits. Until the day I learned that Aunt Bunny had been married three times. I proudly exclaimed to her: "Now I know why you're called Bunny! You hop from man to man!"

hoping Aunt Bunny doesn't read this
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My brothers middle name is Agustine, but when he was about 7 or 8, he used to think it was "Adjusted" So people would ask, "What's your middle name?" and he would say "Adjusted!" Such a strage child...

Dirty Snoopy
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My Godmother's name was "Yvonne" and I thought everyone was saying "Your vonne" when they talked to me about her cause she was MY godmother. So, I called her "Myvonne."

A Wild Cowgirl
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I used to think that noone could have the same name as eachother or they'd turn out like twins, and when in my 1st grade class, this big fat bully had the same name as me and i thought that i had to be a bully too

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When I was little, our paperboy would come every morning. His name was Brad.My mom would always say, "Hi, Brad!" whenever he came in. I confused Brad with bread for some reason and i sometimes couldn't remember what the difference between bread and toast was, so one day he came to our door and I yelled, "Hi, Toast!" really loud so he heard.
He's never really liked me since.

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This is actually my friend's little bro's beleif. My friend's name is Eve. Her brother's name is Nevan. One day, Eve's bro went up to his mom and said, "Mom, how come it's always Chrismas Eve and never Christmas Nevan?"

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My little sister didn't know wat to name her hamster, So I told her to call it diarrea feaces, she thought it was a gr8 name lol

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When I was in kindergarten I couldn't spell my last name, it was ten letters long! Tricky to spell too..... I used to think it started with a P like the letters in the mail said but it was a d....

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My mom introduced me to another girl with the same name as me and I was like NO THAT'S MY NAME. And I screamed and flipped out because she had my name.

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When I was little, I understood that a woman could choose to change her name when she got married. But, I thought she changed her FIRST name. I proudly announcned that when I got married, I was going to change my name to Monique.

married but still not named Monique
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my mom's middle name is tina anne makela. when she was a kid she used to think her middle name was "and" and wrote that on all of her papers.

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Everytime a family member would leave for a trip, everybody would hug them and say "Save Jenny". I always wondered who this 'Jenny' was since we don't have a family member called Jenny. Of course, I also wondered what kind of trouble she was in that she needed to be saved of. I imagined a lot of adventures for Jenny and hoped she wasn't in jail or kept hostage or something. It took me a while to figure out that they were saying "Safe Journey" -_-'.

Jean, who wishes her hearing improves as she ages.
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I used to believe that people had a differente name when grew up, like I would have another name when i became and adukt so I kept on asking my mother what was her child name and, of course, she could never answer that

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My name is Julie. When I was little my sister knew a girl named Julie, who was overweight and not attractive. I use to think anyone with the name Julie was going to turn overweight and ugly and that I was going ot turn out that way.

Julie (wowie)
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I used to believe that my doctor was Bill Gates - he looked a lot like him, and his last name WAS Gates... I was kind of disappointed when I found out that his first name was Tom.

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