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I used to believe that one had a name when they were little and when they grew up their first name changed.

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When I very little my parents used to call me Aja (Asia) the pill because i always bugged them. On my first day of Pre-school we did the name game where you go around the circle and tell everyone your name, and yes as you can guess i thought my name was really Aja the pill. My mom was so embarassed when the teacher confronted her.

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I used to believe that i was the only person in the world who had my name. My nickname was Cassie, but it was used so often, it just kinda became my name. I was very angry when another girl in my small catholic elementary school stole my name from me. I had to be called Catherine instead, my real name. I hated it.

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My middle name is Elizabeth, and while I like that name now, I thought it was horrible as a young child. It was a disgusting name, and I was so embarrassed by it that when people would ask what my middle name was, I would say I didn't have one.

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When I was little, I used to think that your appearance was based on your name. Like, for instance, all of the people named Sarah would look alike. I based this on the fact that my aunt, whose name was Barbara looked like Barbara on "One Day at a Time." My mom explained to me that Barbara was just a character's name and that the actress' real name was Valerie. I didn't really understand, but I then decided that I wished my parents had named me Valerie so that I would grow up to look like Valerie Bertinelli

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when i was little my mom told me i was named after her dog that died before my birth,so i use to think that i was a dog before i was born then i died and came back a human ,when i tell people i was named after a dog they start laughing because it not very day that you meet a human with a dog / human name.

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in 2nd grade we took a test to get into the GATE program (gifted and talented education) on all my info after getting into the program my name had a @ sign at the end. My name is Samantha so i thought that the office thought it was a cool way to write my name. With a @ sign instead of an A. I thought I was so special.

Samanth@ not so gifted and talented
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I used to think that you had a child's name and an adult's name, and although your parents chose your child's name, when you grew up you could choose a new grown-up name.

Min was gonna be Carol.

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when i was little i thought everyone had a twin who had the same name and lived somewhere far from them and one was evil and one wasnt

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Back when I had a babysitter, when I around 4 there was only one other kid there, named Magoo. And I was conVINCED he was THE Mr.Magoo from the cartoon. So I always used to scold him for not wearing his glasses and would run ahead of him to open doors and guide him an stuff so he didn't get into trouble again. XD

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I used to believe that any word that sounded good could be a name. This had unfortunate side effects-my brother got ill and had to have medicine. I asked my mum what it was, and she said it was called Paracetamol.
Guess what happens next..
I loved the name Paracetamol. My grandma bought me a new toy horse. I named it Paracetamol.
(When she asked why, I said
"Because it's never been called anything else!", which I guess was true :)

Miki Sparrow
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When I was little, I didn't know that people could have the same names. I remember going to my friend's house, and she had a babysitter named Holly; well I also had a friend named Holly who was my age, and I thought she had suddenly grown up. So I said, "How did you grow up so fast?!"
Do I feel stupid now? Oh yes.

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When I was little I thought my parents hated my older sister because her name is very weird. Her name is Zaidee so I told her that she had to do something really bad to have mom name you that. I was such a brat she and my oldest sister locked me in a closet and told me my first and middle name Kyle and Ryan are boys name because they wanted a boy and got me a girl. I think my parents want their kids made fun of.

Now afraid of closets -Kyle Ryan Gabour
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One Christmas, I wanted a certain doll more than anything else in the world. Every day I would tell my parents about it, or I would point it out in the store. After kindergarten one day, I came home to find a bunch of toys, including the doll, but they were all marked "ED." I cried in my room because the things I wanted were all going to some girl named Ed who I'd never even met before. I never told my mom because I wanted to be good, and Christmas morning I finally opened my presents. There were the doll and all of the other presents. My mom, amused at my surprise, proceeded to explain to me what initials were.

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when i was young i couldnt pronounce my sisters name, which is silvia i used to say, wavey ! how i got this out of silvia i dont know but my son who is not 15 could not pronouce a friends name at his nursey his friends name was Elliott but Jon insisted on calling his Idiot !!!!!
suppose that is the english language for you LOL

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I used to think that my middle name was actually, because my mother was always forgetting the names of her children. She would say "Suzi actually Alice could you please come here"

My name is Suzi. My sisters name is Alice.

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I use to think if you had the same name as a famouse person you would be famouse.

Kiwi 200
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I used to think the girls' name "Tina" was short for "Argentina".

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My parents have an old family friend named Laurette. When I was a tyke, I always got her name mixed up and called her "Roulette". It took me years to get it right. One day, while joking about my old habit, she thanked me for, "Comparing me to a gambling table!"

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My younger sister used to believe that all girls were called Sarah and that we were weird because we weren't called that!

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