i used to believe

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top belief!

My mother is french, and my name is Marie, and the french word for husband is mari, pronounced the same way as my name. I remember getting angry at my mom for naming her little girl husband!hmm...then I met other Maries...

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top belief!

I used to believe that my mum's real name was actually mum, and whenever someone called her Janine I would always have to pipe up and correct them!

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top belief!

I used to believe that when I turn 25, the government will send me a form that said I had to change my name (it was mandatory). I decided I would change it to Lucy.

Camille Noire
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top belief!

I used to believe that the name Geoff (Jeff) was pronounced Gee-off and I still sometimes
mistakenly say it that way even now. Also I used to think that the name Penelope was
pronouced like Pennell-lope (with the lope part sounding like antel(lope).

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I used to wander what my name would be in other languages. I thought that names worked the same way as words.

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When he was small, my brother's hero was Nelson. I remember us being told that Nelson's name was really DAVID HORATIO NELSON (my brother's name is David), and we believed our parents. It was only recently when I was reading about Nelson to my own son that I queried with my husband why the name David was not mentioned in the Ladybird book - OOPS!!!!!

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top belief!

I used to believe that people with the same first names were somehow related. This was particularly true with famous people.

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I was around 2 when my aunt started dating the man who eventually became my uncle David. He had really long, black hair (this was the early 70's) and I thought he was the neatest person. I got a doll not long after that with long black hair and I named her David. No one bothered to correct me. I got a doll for Xmas when I was 3 and I named her Yogurt Chevrolet. I thought that was the most beautiful name in the world.

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top belief!

When I was small I used to go and stay with a friend called Pene. So on Monday morning when I wrote the usual “what I did at the weekend”, I would write “This weekend I went to Penis house”, I didn’t know how to write Pene’s so would just join the words pen and is together. Looking back on it I’m surprised my parents weren’t arrested, and I wasn’t taken into care :)

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top belief!

when i was young, i thought all people with the same name would grow up to look the same.

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At first school, I envied anyone with what I saw as a cool name. Kimberly, Charmaine, Alexia, Nicola. But one girl had the coolest and quirkiest name of all. She was called Carilanne. We all wanted to be called Carilanne.

Only when I was 16 did I realise it was spelt CAROL-ANN....

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My brother thought that one adult was a dult and that one alert was a lert.

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top belief!

I was reading a letters page from a magazine one day and I noticed a lot of letters from a person called Name Witheld and I commented to my younger brother that this poor lady must have had a very tough life.

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My sister and I both have Lynn as a middle name, so one day my brother asked if that meant his middle name was Lynn too.

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along with most children, I, too, thought stuffed animals, dolls, and toys came to life at night

Nutcracker Suite
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top belief!

My middle name is the same as my father's first name. I assumed that this applied to everyone. When my friend Alan told me he didn't have a middle name I told him it would be the same as his dad's first name. Alan therefore believed he had the middle name Michael for many years.

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My little cousin thought the names of her big cousins were Bomber, Car Lamb, and Lady............they were in fact Donna, Carla and Hayley!!!!!

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top belief!

There was a little girl in my kindergarten class named Candy Nye. When I heard people sing "for he's a jolly good fellow" I thought they were singing about her. ("which nobody CAN DENY")

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top belief!

I used to get mad at some people who went to my church because they named their son Brad and my brother's name was Brad as well. Since my brother was older, I thought it was rude of them to use his name, because he had it first. I was truly convinced everyone in the world had a unique first name and that this was some kind of law.

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top belief!

I knew that boys who were named after their fathers were called "Junior". Therefore, I figured the name "Minnie" was for girls who were named after their mothers. (mini)

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