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top belief!

I used to think I got a new name every year, so when I was 7, I told my parents to call me "Laura," but halfway through the week I wanted to be "Josie."

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top belief!

When I was little, I assumed (incorrectly) that all people got to choose their own nicknames, and it was only a coincidence that many of them were shorter versions of their actual names (like 'Sam' for Samantha). I thought that everyone else was just really bad at thinking up their own nicknames, and since I liked the name Jennifer so much, I decided my nickname would be Jennifer.

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There was a boy at my elementary school named Ashley. I always thought he was a girl, as he was slender with large blue eyes and short blonde curls. Until he moved away in fourth grade I thought he was a she and he was always invited to my slumber parties, and would come. It wasn't until fifth grade that my best friend Carly pointed out that Ashley was a boy.

I hope I didn't make him gay with those makeovers...

PLEASE don't name your sons Ashley, no matter how much you love the movie Gone with the Wind!!

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top belief!

As a six year old boy , I was very dissapointed and upset when I heard a boy call his brother by my name,Joe, I thought I was the only one in the world with that name.And to worsen things that other Joe looked very obnoxious to me.

Joseph G
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top belief!

I used to think that since everyone referred to me as 'you', my name was 'you', and I would always say "Pick you up, please!"

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I was probably in second or third grade when my mother was reading the book Jane Eyre for a class, and I asked her what it was about. She gave me a brief outline of the story, and I was very interested, particularly in the part about the crazy lady up in the attic. I asked why she went crazy, and my mother told me it was because her name was Bertha. I completely believed this (wouldn't YOU go crazy, if your name was Bertha?), but my mother didn't realize I did until she heard me telling a friend, in all sincerity, the story EXACTLY as it was told to me. It just cracked her up.

Laura W.
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top belief!

I used to believe that all people with the same last name were related. For instance, I thought actor George Kennedy was related to President Kennedy's family.

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top belief!

My father's name is Olav, and when I started reading I confused it with "oval" - and my Dad is not skinny, so it took me a few years to understand that I misspelled his name...

Slim Shady
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my little sister, whose name is anna, used to think "anoraks" were really called "annaraks", so mine would be a "tiarak", our dad's a "paparak" and so on...

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When I was about 5 I believed that like a cabbage patch doll children just arrived already named and like it or not, you had to live with it.

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My name is Derek and I used to think I was I was the only one. (Derek that is) Everyone spelled my name either Derrick, or Derik. When I told them it was D-e-r-e-k, they always said, "Well thats a weird way to spell it!"

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top belief!

My name is Heather Louise and when I was younger I had never heard of an older woman named Heather, however I HAD known ALOT of old woman named Louise. I thought that when you got older you had to go by your middle name and that all the old women named Louise used to be young Heathers.

Heather McKinney
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My younger sister believed that since her name was Jeannie..she was the only one who could do the "I Dream of Jeannie" dance right.

Jo Ann
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when I was around 6 years old, I thought that people got a new name when they became adults. my mother`s name is Anveig, and I couldn`t imagine a baby or a child with that name!

Ingrid from Norway
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I once heard a small boy going around saying.....I'm Steven Cool Urkel.....instead of Steven Q. Urkel. He really believed that Steve was called Steven Cool Urkel. Steve wasn't cool at all....hehe.

"language problems"

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top belief!

i once asked my dad how grownups got their signatures because I really wanted to have one. He told me you went to a signature bank and paid ten dollars and they gave you one. He thought I knew he was joking - until I asked him the next day where the closest one was!

Erin Jones
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i thought that a kid got its name when it was baptized. and that it was the priest who decided the name. i really thought that was what baptism was all about....getting your name..

Mary J
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My mother's name was Anna. She was called "Annemor"(Duck mama). I was convinced I was a duckling.

Christine Norway
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My sister thought (not more than one year ago, she is now 14) that John Doe was an actual person.

Brother to Natascha
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When my little sister Heather was 4 (she's now 22), she LOVED the name Ashley. She used to go around telling people "My name was really Ashley before it was Heather." I don't know how long she believed this.

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