i used to believe

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I though that everyone with the same name was the same person, like everybody named "Tom" was Tom from Tom and Jerry, ect.

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When my mother was pregnant with my little brother she told me she had to go to the Dr. for her check up.
I was only 3 at the time. I asked her if she was going to Dr. Pepper.
It was the only Dr. I had heard of at the time. She still laughs about that sometimes.

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I'd heard about Bin Laden on the news a few years ago and I thought his son was Osama Bin Laden..I got very confused!!

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I have an older sister named Tammy. When I was younger, Tammy had a Tmoble phone. I thought it stood fot Tammys moble

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This was one of my best mates beliefs up until very recently (we are now 24)

One day we were speaking and she said something that she hadn't meant to at which point I said of you've made a Fruedian Slip. She didn't know what this was so started explaining to her do you know who Sigmund Frued is - She said ' Isn't that the guy with the White Tiger from Las Vegas'

Needless to say I nearly fell over laughing and then proceeded to explain to her that she has gotten confused with Sigfried and Roy - I told her who they were and then she said - ' what ? There's 2 guys ? I always thought that 'Roy' was the Tiger....funniest thing I have ever heard in my life.

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I used to think "Qui" was a name!! XD

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I used to believe that Henry Winkler (who played The Fonz on that old show Happy Days), was called Henry WRINKLER. I thought this was an incredibly odd last name.
I actually debated this one with my mom, when I told her that Henry "Wrinkler" was playing in that Adam Sandler movie, "Waterboy"- it took her forever to convince me otherwise...

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I used to think children had children's names and you would get a grown up name when you grew up. Or, i believed that grownups were born grownups and so they got their grown up names from the start. One or the other... i was always surprised when a woman had a name like lily of emma or jennifer. I would think, hey, she's got a child name, how strange.

Strange Crescent moon
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I used to think that when you got older you got an "adult name" like you'd go having a name like Billy to James or something. im still kind of sad that I did'nt go from Dee to Diana :)

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I used to believe that everyone had the same middle name as me... Elizabeth.
(even my uncles)

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When I was young I used to believe that everyone got to pick their last name out of the phone book. I always wondered why some people picked the dumbest names.

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I always kind of wondered why we had middle names. I figured that they were around, like second-place winners and understudies, in case our "real" names were somehow unable to fulfill their duties as name and had to step back or take a breather for a little while.

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in kindergarten we would to leave the class to go home: one line for "bus" kids and one line for "walkers". I always got in the walkers line because that is my mom's maiden name. I always wondered how they knew. It was also a good thing that I actually DID walk home

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when i was in grade 3 i asked a girl what her name was she didnt listen to me so she said "have this doll" cause she was talking to her other friend so all i was calling her "have this doll" she kept staring at me weird

Girl with issues :)
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When I was little, and i would hear my family talking about me, they would always say "the kid" so i assumed that was my name. Whenever I wanted anything I would say "The Kid wants food!" or "The Kid wants a hug!"

The Kid
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When I was little I used to believe that comedian Jerry Lewis and rocker Jerry Lee Lewis were the same person.

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When I was three, I believed only one person in the world could have each name. Anytime anyone with the same name as me introduced themselves, I would scream "NO FAIR! NO FAIR! YOU STOLE MY NAME!"

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I used to believe that all fire engine drivers were called Dennis. Until my dad laughed and told me Dennis was the manufacturer's name.

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I used to think that your name was your destiny, so whatever your name meant, you had to become/witness. Once I knew a kid named Cayden, which means round or lumpy, and I told him that some day he would turn into a potato... I got in trouble for that!

Some one...
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i was born in south africa but my mum and dad are english but my cousins were born also in south africa but there dad is south african and theyve got a weird last name its "grobler" anyway we live in england now and when my cousin was about 8 she got mixed up with her d and b's so she was spelling her last name and she wrote grodler so 4 about a year i was thinking that u spell her last like grodler and that year on xmas my mum was writing a christmas card to her and her mum dad and bro and my mum wrote n the front "THE grobler family" and i sed to her she spellt their last name wrong

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