i used to believe

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When I was little, my dad had a friend named Scott. I thought my dad's friend was the king of Scotland

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I used to think that you have to have the same birthday as your parent to have "junior" in your name.

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In our family, like many others I'm sure, we have little made up words for everyday things to make it easier for the toddlers as they learn to speak and for the adults to understand.
For example,
boo-boo = a hurt or a scare, be-bette = an insect, bankie = blankie
The one that really stands out though was 'na-na' which meant food. For a 6 year old, the most logical conclusion as to why we called my step-grandmother 'Nana' was because she was always eating. :-X
(I hope she never reads this)

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One of my friends in elementary school thought that Osama bin Laden was "a son of Aladdin".

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I used to believe that beethoven's first name was beethoven. I was proven wrong in 4th grade.

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When I was younger I had a book of poems that my parents used to read me. A few of the poems said they were written by 'anon' (anonymous) - I thought 'anon' was the name of a famous poet! A few years later my teacher asked me who my favourite poet was and I told her "Anon. I like Anon. I think he's very talented"

She had to explain to me what Anon actually meant...

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Since the girls name Jackie is short for Jacqueline, I thought the boys name Jack was short for Jackal

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I was around 2 when my aunt started dating the man who eventually became my uncle David. He had really long, black hair (this was the early 70's) and I thought he was the neatest person. I got a doll not long after that with long black hair and I named her David. No one bothered to correct me. I got a doll for Xmas when I was 3 and I named her Yogurt Chevrolet. I thought that was the most beautiful name in the world.

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i thought that since my dr's name was "Dr. Washer" that meant my nurse's name was "Dryer" ... i know, its sad

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i used to think everyone with the same name looks and act the same. my name is sarah...u can imagine how petrified i was when i was until one day this girl came to my school, her name was sarah (ironically), she didn't look anything like me. Then i asked her how she spelled her name...it was without an H....ahah

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In 'Harry Potter' When I first read it, i thought that you pronuonced Hermione as Her-me-one. I remember doing a book review and everyone laughed at me. :(

Agent R
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I used to think that all people with the same FIRST name were related.

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i used to believe that "bill stickers" was a wanted criminal in london as whenever i went, there were always signs up saying "bill stickers will be prosecuted"!!

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I used to think that since Princess Diana was the Princess of Wales, that I could one day be Princess of Dolphins. This was during my Little Mermaid Phase...

Sandy Wu
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I used to think that the parents of neglected children, actually chose names that they specifically hated, so if they hated the names George and Karen, for instance, then the pregnant mother would punch her stomach and say 'if you keep kicking my stomach, then I'm naming you George ________ or Karen ________ when you are born!

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This is actaully a belief from a boy I used to babysit who spent a lot of time playing on computers. When asked how to spell his name (which was also the passcode for the computer),he would smile and proceed to spell it out...
He believed until he was 7 or 8 that his name ended with the letter "Enter".

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when i was little my father would affectionately call me 'pedals'. I wasn't sure why he called me this, i assumed it had something to do with my bike riding skills. I was nearly 18 years old before i realised he had been calling me 'petals'.

robyn c
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When I was in 1st grade my friend and I went to latchkey before and after school. Well in the mornings there were these 2 kids from another school that would go to our latchkey program because they didn't have latchkey at their school. Their school was also a church and it was called, "Christ the King". When it was time for them to get on the bus to their school in the mornings the latchkey teacher would say, "Christ the King you have to go out to your bus." Well when the teachers said "Christ the King" my friend thought she was calling their names, and thought the two kids names were Christ and King.

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when I was 4 I didn't want to come down to see my dads friend because his name was Barney and I thought he was dinosaur

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When I looked in the Chicago phone book and found all kinds of people with first names like Jas, Thos and Chas, I asked my Mom how come we didn't know anybody with those names. ... That's when I learned about abbreviations.

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