i used to believe

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My one son Conlan (who was four) was trying to get his twin brother, Torin's, attention one day by repeating his name over and over: "Torin, Torin, Torin, etc." When Torin ignored him, Conlan started shouting "Mister Torin, Mister Torin, etc." because that how you got your teacher's attention. I just laughed and said, "Conlan, it's just regular Torin." So then Conlan started to shout, "Reglar Torin, Reglar Torin, Reglar Torin!!!!!" (incorrect spelling intentional)

Ann Y.
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When they said "Houston we have a problem" ... I didn't know they were talking about Houston, Texas, I thought Houston was a guy's name.

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My younger sister believed that since her name was Jeannie..she was the only one who could do the "I Dream of Jeannie" dance right.

Jo Ann
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When I was a kid, my parents had a good friend named David who was in his 40s. He was called Big David and I was Little David. I thought that when I grew up there couldn't be two different Davids and I would have to change my name. I liked Jason.

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I used to believe that we have certain names that we'r called by when we are children..and that we get new ones when we get older....so nina(my sister) anabelle(a friend) etc where all 'childrens names' and odette(aunt) and patricia(mother) were grownup names...so i went about asking kids what theyd want their name to be when they grew up or asking adults what theirs was when they were little.....sadly i dont really remember the replies i got...just recall confusion on their faces

The Yogic Ballerina
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in kindergarten we would to leave the class to go home: one line for "bus" kids and one line for "walkers". I always got in the walkers line because that is my mom's maiden name. I always wondered how they knew. It was also a good thing that I actually DID walk home

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When my mother was pregnant with my little brother she told me she had to go to the Dr. for her check up.
I was only 3 at the time. I asked her if she was going to Dr. Pepper.
It was the only Dr. I had heard of at the time. She still laughs about that sometimes.

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When I was little my best friend was a girl named Ryan, and she was the only Ryan I knew, so when I met a boy named Ryan in first grade I told him it was a girl's name, and for the whole year I thought he was lying about his name being Ryan because it was obviously a girl name.

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I thought all names could be for boys and girls. I told someone I wanted to change my name to Vanessa and they tried to tell me it was girl's name but I didn't get it

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I was born at a hospital named after its founder, who had the same last name as me (not related), so I used to believe there was a hospital for each family name.

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My mother's name was Anna. She was called "Annemor"(Duck mama). I was convinced I was a duckling.

Christine Norway
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I used to believe that when people said '...and so and so' or 'so and so did this..' I thought 'so and so' was a real person called Soanso, and I used go around the playground asking if anyone had seen Soanso!

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i used to believe that when two people got married, they just invented their last name from whatever syllables sounded good to them. first names sounded normal to me; last names were so odd.

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I was about 6 when my youngest brother was born, and I remember thinking that Nathaniel was the stupidest name I had ever heard, and that it was temporary until my mom could think of a better one. I even asked her if that was his real name.

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I used to think that parents named their babies by holding it together and looking romantically into each other's eyes and saying "We will call it ______"

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When I was little I thought everyone's relatives had the same names as mine so at preschool when a girl's uncle came to pick her up I said "Hey, your Scott's here!"

Errbody Has an Uncle Scott
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In elementary school, we were told that one of our classmates had a new last name because he had been adopted. I always felt sorry for him that he had not had a family until then. I just found out (I'm 36) that his mom had remarried and his stepfather adopted him and gave him the new last name!

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One time my sister and brother told me that my last name was clothes hanger. and after that i used to tell everybody that my name was Ashley Clotheshanger.

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I used to believe that everyone had my last name and only their first names were different.

I also believed that when I got old, I would develop the same foreign accents that my grandparents had.

Judy Goldsmith
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When I was little my sister used to love Mary-Kate and Ashley. But for some reason I always thought it was Mary, Kate, and Ashley, three people. And it didn't help when they came out with the mystery books and movies, because they always had that dog, Clue with them so I thought the dog was Mary.

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